

void foo(int n) {
    int values[n]; //Declare a variable length array



编译器供应商难以实现 与标准的其他部分不兼容 功能可以用其他c++构造来模拟


是的,当然我意识到在这个玩具示例中可以使用std::vector<int> values(m);,但这是从堆中分配内存而不是堆栈。如果我想要一个多维数组,比如:

void foo(int x, int y, int z) {
    int values[x][y][z]; // Declare a variable length array


void foo(int x, int y, int z) {
    vector< vector< vector<int> > > values( /* Really painful expression here. */);


看看comp. stdc++上的讨论,很明显这个问题很有争议,争论双方都有一些重量级人物。当然,std::vector并不总是更好的解决方案。



C99中的变长数组基本上是一个错误。为了支持VLAs, C99不得不根据常识作出以下让步:

sizeof x is no longer always a compile-time constant; the compiler must sometimes generate code to evaluate a sizeof-expression at runtime. Allowing two-dimensional VLAs (int A[x][y]) required a new syntax for declaring functions that take 2D VLAs as parameters: void foo(int n, int A[][*]). Less importantly in the C++ world, but extremely important for C's target audience of embedded-systems programmers, declaring a VLA means chomping an arbitrarily large chunk of your stack. This is a guaranteed stack-overflow and crash. (Anytime you declare int A[n], you're implicitly asserting that you have 2GB of stack to spare. After all, if you know "n is definitely less than 1000 here", then you would just declare int A[1000]. Substituting the 32-bit integer n for 1000 is an admission that you have no idea what the behavior of your program ought to be.)


template<typename T> struct S { ... };
int A[n];
S<decltype(A)> s;  // equivalently, S<int[n]> s;



template<typename T> bool myfunc(T& t1, T& t2) { ... };
int A1[n1], A2[n2];
myfunc(A1, A2);


更糟糕的是,如果在运行时n1 != n2,那么!std::is_same<decltype(A1), decltype(A2)>()?在这种情况下,对myfunc的调用甚至不应该编译,因为模板类型推断应该失败!我们如何在运行时模拟这种行为呢?


As every other answerer has already pointed out, C++ provides lots of heap-allocation mechanisms (std::unique_ptr<int[]> A = new int[n]; or std::vector<int> A(n); being the obvious ones) when you really want to convey the idea "I have no idea how much RAM I might need." And C++ provides a nifty exception-handling model for dealing with the inevitable situation that the amount of RAM you need is greater than the amount of RAM you have. But hopefully this answer gives you a good idea of why C99-style VLAs were not a good fit for C++ — and not really even a good fit for C99. ;)

有关该主题的更多信息,请参阅Bjarne Stroustrup 2013年10月关于VLAs的论文N3810“阵列扩展的替代方案”。Bjarne的POV与我的非常不同;N3810更侧重于为这些东西找到一个好的c++语法,并反对在c++中使用原始数组,而我更关注元编程和类型系统的含义。我不知道他是否认为元编程/类型系统的含义是已解决的、可解决的,还是仅仅是无趣的。

“合理使用可变长度数组”(Chris Wellons, 2019-10-27)是一篇很好的博客文章,触及了许多相同的观点。



C99中的变长数组基本上是一个错误。为了支持VLAs, C99不得不根据常识作出以下让步:

sizeof x is no longer always a compile-time constant; the compiler must sometimes generate code to evaluate a sizeof-expression at runtime. Allowing two-dimensional VLAs (int A[x][y]) required a new syntax for declaring functions that take 2D VLAs as parameters: void foo(int n, int A[][*]). Less importantly in the C++ world, but extremely important for C's target audience of embedded-systems programmers, declaring a VLA means chomping an arbitrarily large chunk of your stack. This is a guaranteed stack-overflow and crash. (Anytime you declare int A[n], you're implicitly asserting that you have 2GB of stack to spare. After all, if you know "n is definitely less than 1000 here", then you would just declare int A[1000]. Substituting the 32-bit integer n for 1000 is an admission that you have no idea what the behavior of your program ought to be.)


template<typename T> struct S { ... };
int A[n];
S<decltype(A)> s;  // equivalently, S<int[n]> s;



template<typename T> bool myfunc(T& t1, T& t2) { ... };
int A1[n1], A2[n2];
myfunc(A1, A2);


更糟糕的是,如果在运行时n1 != n2,那么!std::is_same<decltype(A1), decltype(A2)>()?在这种情况下,对myfunc的调用甚至不应该编译,因为模板类型推断应该失败!我们如何在运行时模拟这种行为呢?


As every other answerer has already pointed out, C++ provides lots of heap-allocation mechanisms (std::unique_ptr<int[]> A = new int[n]; or std::vector<int> A(n); being the obvious ones) when you really want to convey the idea "I have no idea how much RAM I might need." And C++ provides a nifty exception-handling model for dealing with the inevitable situation that the amount of RAM you need is greater than the amount of RAM you have. But hopefully this answer gives you a good idea of why C99-style VLAs were not a good fit for C++ — and not really even a good fit for C99. ;)

有关该主题的更多信息,请参阅Bjarne Stroustrup 2013年10月关于VLAs的论文N3810“阵列扩展的替代方案”。Bjarne的POV与我的非常不同;N3810更侧重于为这些东西找到一个好的c++语法,并反对在c++中使用原始数组,而我更关注元编程和类型系统的含义。我不知道他是否认为元编程/类型系统的含义是已解决的、可解决的,还是仅仅是无趣的。

“合理使用可变长度数组”(Chris Wellons, 2019-10-27)是一篇很好的博客文章,触及了许多相同的观点。

似乎c++ 14中也可以使用:


更新:它没有进入c++ 14。


std::vector<int> values;


这样的数组是C99的一部分,但不是标准c++的一部分。正如其他人所说,向量总是一个更好的解决方案,这可能就是为什么可变大小数组不在c++标准中(或在提议的c++ 0x标准中)。

顺便说一句,关于“为什么”c++标准是这样的问题,可以去Usenet新闻组comp. stdc++。

最近在usenet上有一个关于这个问题的讨论:为什么c++ 0x中没有VLAs。


C99 VLAs可以在不浪费空间或调用未使用元素的构造函数的情况下创建小型数组,但它们将对类型系统带来相当大的更改(您需要能够根据运行时值指定类型-目前c++中还不存在这种功能,除了新的操作符类型说明符,但它们经过了特殊处理,因此运行时性不会逃脱新操作符的作用域)。

你可以使用std::vector,但它并不完全相同,因为它使用动态内存,并且让它使用自己的堆栈分配器并不完全容易(对齐也是一个问题)。它也不能解决同样的问题,因为vector是一个可调整大小的容器,而VLAs是固定大小的。c++动态数组提案旨在引入一个基于库的解决方案,作为基于语言的VLA的替代方案。然而,据我所知,它不会成为c++ 0x的一部分。