Visual Studio 2010在不安全块中杀死函数的一个参数中的数据(没有其他词)。 是什么导致了这个错误?调试器显示以下消息。

Cannot obtain value of local or argument as it is not available at this instruction pointer, possibly because it has been optimized away.




也 在VS 2015社区版

去 调试->选项或工具->选项

并检查 在模块负载上抑制JIT优化(仅Managed only)

I found that I had the same problem when I was running a project and debugging by attaching to an IIS process. I also was running in Debug mode with optimizations turned off. While I thought the code compiled fine, when I detached and tried to compile, one of the references was not found. This was due to another developer here that made modifications and changed the location of the reference. The reference did not show up with the alert symbol, so I thought everything was fine until I did the compilation. Once fixing the reference and running again it worked.

在Visual Studio 2017或2015中:

转到解决方案,右键单击解决方案,然后选择属性->选择所有配置->调试,然后单击确定。 在“重新构建并运行”之后,这个解决方案对我来说是有效的。


我也有同样的问题。尝试以上所有方法,发现我还必须删除{PROJECT_ROOT}\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.2和{PROJECT_ROOT}\obj\Release\netcoreapp2.2内的所有内容。它肯定与发布有关,因为虽然我在我的Azure Web应用程序上使用部署工具/ bitbucket,但我确实尝试了Build >> Publish >> Publish to Azure,因为我想检查哪些文件实际部署了。