JavaFX(与Java 8捆绑在一起)有Pair< A,B >类
实现Pair with的另一种方法。
Public immutable fields, i.e. simple data structure. Comparable. Simple hash and equals. Simple factory so you don't have to provide the types. e.g. Pair.of("hello", 1); public class Pair<FIRST, SECOND> implements Comparable<Pair<FIRST, SECOND>> { public final FIRST first; public final SECOND second; private Pair(FIRST first, SECOND second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; } public static <FIRST, SECOND> Pair<FIRST, SECOND> of(FIRST first, SECOND second) { return new Pair<FIRST, SECOND>(first, second); } @Override public int compareTo(Pair<FIRST, SECOND> o) { int cmp = compare(first, o.first); return cmp == 0 ? compare(second, o.second) : cmp; } // todo move this to a helper class. private static int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1 == null ? o2 == null ? 0 : -1 : o2 == null ? +1 : ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 * hashcode(first) + hashcode(second); } // todo move this to a helper class. private static int hashcode(Object o) { return o == null ? 0 : o.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Pair)) return false; if (this == obj) return true; return equal(first, ((Pair) obj).first) && equal(second, ((Pair) obj).second); } // todo move this to a helper class. private boolean equal(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1 == null ? o2 == null : (o1 == o2 || o1.equals(o2)); } @Override public String toString() { return "(" + first + ", " + second + ')'; } }
在我看来,Java中没有Pair,因为如果你想直接在Pair上添加额外的功能(例如Comparable),你必须绑定类型。在c++中,我们不在乎,如果组成一个pair的类型没有操作符<,则pair::operator <也不会被编译。
public class Pair<F, S> implements Comparable<Pair<? extends F, ? extends S>> {
public final F first;
public final S second;
/* ... */
public int compareTo(Pair<? extends F, ? extends S> that) {
int cf = compare(first, that.first);
return cf == 0 ? compare(second, that.second) : cf;
//Why null is decided to be less than everything?
private static int compare(Object l, Object r) {
if (l == null) {
return r == null ? 0 : -1;
} else {
return r == null ? 1 : ((Comparable) (l)).compareTo(r);
/* ... */
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> a = /* ... */;
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> b = /* ... */;
//Runtime error here instead of compile error!
public class Pair<
F extends Comparable<? super F>,
S extends Comparable<? super S>
> implements Comparable<Pair<? extends F, ? extends S>> {
public final F first;
public final S second;
/* ... */
public int compareTo(Pair<? extends F, ? extends S> that) {
int cf = compare(first, that.first);
return cf == 0 ? compare(second, that.second) : cf;
//Why null is decided to be less than everything?
private static <
T extends Comparable<? super T>
> int compare(T l, T r) {
if (l == null) {
return r == null ? 0 : -1;
} else {
return r == null ? 1 : l.compareTo(r);
/* ... */
//Will not compile because Thread is not Comparable<? super Thread>
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> a = /* ... */;
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> b = /* ... */;
这很好,但是这次您不能在Pair中使用不可比较的类型作为类型参数。 你可能会在一些实用程序类中使用很多comparator for Pair,但是c++的人可能不会理解。另一种方法是在类型层次结构中编写很多类,在类型参数上有不同的边界,但是有太多可能的边界和它们的组合……
您可以使用javafx实用程序类Pair,它的作用与c++中的Pair <>相同。
WeakHashMap<Pair<String, String>, String> map = ...
在comp.lang.java的一个线程中。帮助,Hunter Gratzner给出了一些反对在Java中存在Pair结构的论点。主要的论点是类Pair不传递关于两个值之间关系的任何语义(您如何知道“first”和“second”的意思?)