Many people who regularly use both vi and Emacs tend to use them for different things, and find it valuable to know both. In general, vi is best for small jobs – quick replies to mail, simple tweaks to system configuration, and the like. It is especially useful when you’re using a new system (or a remote one over a network) and don’t have your Emacs customization files handy. Emacs comes into its own for extended editing sessions in which you have to handle complex tasks, modify multiple files, and use results from other programs during the session. For programmers using X on their console (which is typical on modern Unixes), it’s normal to start up Emacs shortly after login time in a large window and leave it running forever, possibly visiting dozens of files and even running programs in multiple Emacs subwindows.
Vim was always faster to start up than Emacs. I'm saying that on any machine, out-of-the-box installs of Vim will start up faster than out-of-the-box installs of Emacs. And I tend to think that after a moderate amount of customisation of either one, Vim will still start up faster than Emacs. After that, the other practical difference was Emacs' modes. They make your life tremendously easier when editing XML, C/C++/Java/whatever, LaTeX, and most popular languages you can think of. They make you want to keep the editor open for long sessions and work.
击键执行::: Vi编辑将保留键入键的每个排列。这将在决策树中创建一个路径,该路径明确地标识任何命令,而Emacs命令是立即执行的键入键的组合,使用户可以选择是否使用命令。
内存使用和可定制性::: vi是一个更小更快的程序,自定义能力更有限,而Emacs启动时间更长,需要更多内存。然而,它是高度可定制的,并且包含大量的特性,因为它本质上是为文本编辑而设计的Lisp程序的执行环境。
对我来说,编辑器的主要区别是vim让你使用环境/操作系统,而emacs试图封装它或替换它。 例如,您可以在文本中添加日期:r!日期在vim,或日历与:r!ccal1 2014,甚至用十六进制版本的内容替换缓冲区的内容。如。: % !Xxd,编辑十六进制,然后返回:%!XXD -r,以及许多其他用途,如内置grep, sed等。
另一个例子是使用jq和gron。如。将json blob粘贴到编辑器,然后运行转换:
:r!curl -s http://interesting/api/v1/get/stuff
:%!gron | grep 'interesting' | gron -u
:%!jq .path.to.stuff
换句话说,IMHO vim更接近unix哲学。它通常更简单、更小,但是如果您了解您的操作系统和工具,您可能只需要VIM提供的东西。我从来没有。
此外,vi在任何unix/linux系统上都是事实上的标准,为什么要学习使用两个做同样事情的工具呢?当然,有些系统提供mg或类似的东西,但肯定不是所有的。Unix + Vi <3。
Neovim, vim, emacs, spacemacs, etc all of those editors consume less ressources compared to most of the editors out there. Neovim/vim is slightly faster than emacs, noticably faster than spacemacs. In terms of editing experience. I can easily say that emacs packages feel superior. I think that's because they blend in better with the core of emacs. Vimscript is nice and there are certainly great projects in the vim ecosystem as well. The good thing is they are better documented than most emacs projects I have seen so far. Both can be glitchy depending on the package you are using. Spacemacs tend to freeze, and neovim tend to display scary error messages, so pick your poison there. Modal editing in vim, is not an intuitive concept, but once you get used to it, you want it anywere. Both of the editor provide that.
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