




To make this a little clearer, consider the case of a collection of WAR files with a lot of common resources (e.g. JavaScript, Spring config files etc) being shared between them using the overlay technique. If you are working on some web page (running in Jetty) and want to change some of the overlay code that is held in a separate module then you'd normally expect to have to stop Jetty, run the Maven build, start Jetty again and continue. This is the case with Eclipse and just about every other IDE I've worked with. Not so in IntelliJ. Using the project settings you can define which facet of which module you would like to be included in a background build. Consequently you end up with a process that appears seamless. You make a change to pretty much any code in the project and instantly it is available after you refresh the browser.







The ability to track my changed files (on my development branch ala clearcase) was something I was looking for in a plugin for eclipse. Intellij tracks all of your changes for a single commit, extremely easy. You can isolate changed files with custom lists. I use that for configuration files that must be unique locally, but are constantly flagged when I sync or compare against the repository -- listing them under a changelist, I can monitor them, but neatly tuck them away so I can focus on the real additions I am making.




我最近发现IntelliJ IDEA与Eclipse相比至少有两个优点。


另一件事是在JBoss服务器上部署应用程序的速度。IntelliJ正在替换JBoss tmp文件夹中的应用程序,因此重新部署非常快。Eclipse WTP正在替换deploy文件夹中的应用程序,而后者的持续时间要长得多。




To make this a little clearer, consider the case of a collection of WAR files with a lot of common resources (e.g. JavaScript, Spring config files etc) being shared between them using the overlay technique. If you are working on some web page (running in Jetty) and want to change some of the overlay code that is held in a separate module then you'd normally expect to have to stop Jetty, run the Maven build, start Jetty again and continue. This is the case with Eclipse and just about every other IDE I've worked with. Not so in IntelliJ. Using the project settings you can define which facet of which module you would like to be included in a background build. Consequently you end up with a process that appears seamless. You make a change to pretty much any code in the project and instantly it is available after you refresh the browser.

