





然而,大约六个月前,当我在一个复杂的java web项目中工作时,由于js的自动完成错误,我被迫寻找Eclipse的替代品。我是如此绝望,我正在考虑回到一个简单的文本编辑器为我的js代码!!

我只是碰巧遇到了Intellij Idea(不幸的是没有时间研究工具)。

虽然需要一些时间来适应Idea的做事方式,除了特殊的功能之外,在我看来,它从左到右的小事情上提供的生产力提高是最大的资产。它更适合我,我现在是Idea Ultimate的付费客户。一旦你习惯了这一点,就很难再去做别的事情了。



引入变量。(Windows下按Ctrl+Alt+V, OSX下按Cmd+Alt+V)

假设调用service。listallpersons()方法 按Ctrl+Alt+V并回车,方法调用的返回值的变量被插入:

List<Person> list = service.listAllPersons();


new ArrayList<String>()


ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();



propagate parameters/exceptions when changing method signature, very handy for updating methods deep inside the call stack SQL code validation in the strings passed as arguments to jdbc calls (and the whole newly bundled language injection stuff) implemented in/overwritten in icons for interfaces & classes (and their methods) and the smart implementation navigation (Ctrl+Alt+Click or Ctrl+Alt+B) linking between the EJB 2.1 interfaces and bean classes (including refactoring support); old one, but still immensely valuable when working on older projects




Autocomplete actions: Doing ctrl+shift+a you can call any idea action from the keyboard without remembering its key combination... Think about gnome-do or launchy in windows, and you've got the idea! Also, this feature supports CamelCasing abbreviations ;) Shelf: Lets you keep easily some pieces of code apart, and then review them through the diff viewer. Local history: It's far better managed, and simpler. SVN annotations and history: simpler to inspect, and also you can easily see the history only for such a part of a whole source file. Autocomplete everywhere, such as the evaluate expression and breakpoint condition windows. Maven integration... much, much simpler, and well integrated. Refactors much closer to the hand, such as loops insertion, wrapping/casting, renaming, and add variables. Find much powerful and well organized. Even in big projects Much stable to work with several branches of a big project at the same time (as a former bugfixer of 1.5Gb by branch sources, and the need to working in them simultaneously, idea shown its rock-solid capabilities) Cleaner and simpler interface... And, simpler to use only with the keyboard, letting apart the need of using the mouse for lots of simple taks, saving you time and giving you more focus on the code... where it matters!


Well, for me it's a thousand tiny things. Some of the macros, the GUI layout in general in Eclipse I find awful. I can't open multiple projects in different windows in Eclipse. I can open multiple projects, but then it's view based system swaps a bunch of things around on me when I switch files. IntelliJ's code inspections seem better. Its popup helpers to fix common issues is nice. Lots of simple usability things like the side bar where I can hover over a hot spot and it'll tell me every implementing subclass of a method or the method I'm implementing and from where.
