在我的OS X中使用swift遇到了很多这个错误:
在我的OS X中使用swift遇到了很多这个错误:
You already have the correct code answer from @Mark but, just to share my findings: The issue is that you are requesting a change in the view and assuming that it will happen instantly. In reality, the loading of a view depends on the available resources. If everything loads quickly enough and there are no delays then you don't notice anything. In scenarios, where there is any delay due to the process thread being busy etc, the application runs into a situation where it is supposed to display something even though its not ready yet. Hence, it is advisable to dispatch these requests in a asynchronous queues so, they get executed based on the load.
DispatchQueue.main.async { // do UI update here }
在后台线程调用func进行web请求调用,它的完成处理程序调用其他func进行UI更新。 要解决这个问题,请尝试检查您在webrequest调用后更新UI的代码。
// Do something on background thread
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
// update UI on main thread
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Updating whole table view
You already have the correct code answer from @Mark but, just to share my findings: The issue is that you are requesting a change in the view and assuming that it will happen instantly. In reality, the loading of a view depends on the available resources. If everything loads quickly enough and there are no delays then you don't notice anything. In scenarios, where there is any delay due to the process thread being busy etc, the application runs into a situation where it is supposed to display something even though its not ready yet. Hence, it is advisable to dispatch these requests in a asynchronous queues so, they get executed based on the load.
对我来说,问题是这样的。 确保在主线程上执行performSegueWithIdentifier::
dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"ViewController" sender:nil];
当我在一个NSURLConnection异步请求完成处理程序中调用一个做UI更新的块时,我有这个问题,因为更新到iOS 9 SDK。使用dispatch_main_queue将块调用放在dispatch_async中解决了这个问题。
它在iOS 8中运行良好。