在我的OS X中使用swift遇到了很多这个错误:
在我的OS X中使用swift遇到了很多这个错误:
I also encountered this problem, seeing a ton of these messages and stack traces being printed in the output, when I resized the window to a smaller size than its initial value. Spending a long time figuring out the problem, I thought I'd share the rather simple solution. I had once enabled Can Draw Concurrently on an NSTextView through IB. That tells AppKit that it can call the view's draw(_:) method from another thread. After disabling it, I no longer got any error messages. I didn't experience any problems before updating to macOS 10.14 Beta, but at the same time, I also started modifying the code to perform work with the text view.
当我在一个NSURLConnection异步请求完成处理程序中调用一个做UI更新的块时,我有这个问题,因为更新到iOS 9 SDK。使用dispatch_main_queue将块调用放在dispatch_async中解决了这个问题。
它在iOS 8中运行良好。
我有同样的问题时,试图更新错误消息在UILabel在同一个ViewController(它需要一点时间来更新数据时,试图这样做的正常编码)。我在Swift 3 Xcode 8中使用了DispatchQueue,它可以工作。
I also encountered this problem, seeing a ton of these messages and stack traces being printed in the output, when I resized the window to a smaller size than its initial value. Spending a long time figuring out the problem, I thought I'd share the rather simple solution. I had once enabled Can Draw Concurrently on an NSTextView through IB. That tells AppKit that it can call the view's draw(_:) method from another thread. After disabling it, I no longer got any error messages. I didn't experience any problems before updating to macOS 10.14 Beta, but at the same time, I also started modifying the code to perform work with the text view.
在不使用'dispatch_async'的情况下调试print语句时会得到类似的错误消息 因此,当您得到错误消息时,就可以使用了
DispatchQueue.main.async { //code }
DispatchQueue.main.async(){ //code }
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()){ //code }
符号:[UIView layoutIfNeeded]或[UIView updateConstraintsIfNeeded] 条件:!(BOOL)[NSThread是主线程]