
什么是内存碎片? 如何判断内存碎片是否是我的应用程序的一个问题?什么样的程序最可能受到影响? 处理内存碎片的常用方法是什么?


我听说经常使用动态分配会增加内存碎片。这是真的吗?在c++环境中,我知道所有的标准容器(std::string, std::vector等)都使用动态内存分配。如果在整个程序中使用这些(特别是std::string),内存碎片更可能是一个问题吗? 在stl较多的应用程序中如何处理内存碎片?



Memory fragmentation is the problem of memory becoming unusable even though it is theoretically available. There are two kinds of fragmentation: internal fragmentation is memory that is allocated but cannot be used (e.g. when memory is allocated in 8 byte chunks but the program repeatedly does single allocations when it needs only 4 bytes). external fragmentation is the problem of free memory becoming divided into many small chunks so that large allocation requests cannot be met although there is enough overall free memory.





Paul R. Wilson, Mark S. Johnstone, Michael Neely and David Boles. Dynamic Storage Allocation: A Survey and Critical Review. In Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Memory Management, Springer Verlag LNCS, 1995 Mark S.Johnstone, Paul R. Wilson. The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved? In ACM SIG-PLAN Notices, volume 34 No. 3, pages 26-36, 1999 M.R. Garey, R.L. Graham and J.D. Ullman. Worst-Case analysis of memory allocation algorithms. In Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, 1972




There will have to be more searches to find a good space to stick "large" objects. That is, with many small objects scattered about finding a nice contigous chunk of memory could under certain conditions be difficult (these are extreme.) Memory is not some easily read entity. Processors are limited to how much they can hold and where. They do this by swapping pages if an item they need is one place but the current addresses are another. If you are constantly having to swap pages, processing can slow down (again, extreme scenarios where this impacts performance.) See this posting on virtual memory.



 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

现在让我们分配三个3字节的块,命名为A, B和C:

 | A | A | A | B | B | B | C | C | C |   |
   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

现在释放block B:

 | A | A | A |   |   |   | C | C | C |   |
   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9



在这个例子中,3个字节并不是很大的浪费,但是考虑一个更病态的情况,两个字节的分配,例如,内存中间隔10兆字节,而您需要分配一个大小为10兆字节+ 1字节的块。你必须要求操作系统提供超过10兆字节的虚拟内存,即使你只差一个字节就有足够的空间了。

How do you prevent it? The worst cases tend to arise when you frequently create and destroy small objects, since that tends to produce a "swiss cheese" effect with many small objects separated by many small holes, making it impossible to allocate larger objects in those holes. When you know you're going to be doing this, an effective strategy is to pre-allocate a large block of memory as a pool for your small objects, and then manually manage the creation of the small objects within that block, rather than letting the default allocator handle it.

In general, the fewer allocations you do, the less likely memory is to get fragmented. However, STL deals with this rather effectively. If you have a string which is using the entirety of its current allocation and you append one character to it, it doesn't simply re-allocate to its current length plus one, it doubles its length. This is a variation on the "pool for frequent small allocations" strategy. The string is grabbing a large chunk of memory so that it can deal efficiently with repeated small increases in size without doing repeated small reallocations. All STL containers in fact do this sort of thing, so generally you won't need to worry too much about fragmentation caused by automatically-reallocating STL containers.







The easiest way to think about this is to imagine you have a big empty wall that you need to put pictures of varying sizes on. Each picture takes up a certain size and you obviously can't split it into smaller pieces to make it fit. You need an empty spot on the wall, the size of the picture, or else you can't put it up. Now, if you start hanging pictures on the wall and you're not careful about how you arrange them, you will soon end up with a wall that's partially covered with pictures and even though you may have empty spots most new pictures won't fit because they're larger than the available spots. You can still hang really small pictures, but most ones won't fit. So you'll have to re-arrange (compact) the ones already on the wall to make room for more..









The primary way to reduce heap fragmentation is to make larger, less frequent allocations. In the extreme, you can use a managed heap that is capable of moving objects, at least, within your own code. This completely eliminates the problem - from a memory perspective, anyway. Obviously moving objects and such has a cost. In reality, you only really have a problem if you are allocating very small amounts off the heap often. Using contiguous containers (vector, string, etc) and allocating on the stack as much as humanly possible (always a good idea for performance) is the best way to reduce it. This also increases cache coherence, which makes your application run faster.
