据我所知,在c++ 11中引入override关键字不过是检查,以确保正在实现的函数是基类中的虚函数的重写。
据我所知,在c++ 11中引入override关键字不过是检查,以确保正在实现的函数是基类中的虚函数的重写。
virtual is for the base class to tell derived classes a function can be overridden There is no need to use virtual in derived classes. If a function has the same name/parameter type list/cv-qual/ref-qual, it will automatically be used correctly. (actually, using virtual in derived classes can create subtle bugs, see below) override is an optional specifier for derived classes to catch errors & document code: Tells the compiler: "make sure there is an EXACT virtual function I am overriding" Avoids creating a DIFFERENT function signature by mistake that would cause a subtle bug (i.e. 2 slightly different functions that are meant to be the same) Tells coders this is overriding a virtual function
class base
virtual int foo(float x);
// AUTOMATIC virtual function (matches original, no keywords specified)
int foo(float x) { ; }
// Re-specifying "virtual" uselessly (+ see pitfalls below)
virtual int foo(float x) { ; }
// Potential issues: it is unknown if the author intended this to be a
// virtual function or not. Also, if the author DID intend a match but
// made a mistake (e.g. use "int" for the parameter), this will create
// a subtle bug where the wrong function is called with no warning anywhere:
int foo(int x) { ; } // SUBTLE, SILENT BUG! int instead of float param
virtual int foo(int x) { ; } // SUBTLE, SILENT BUG! int instead of float param
// Better approach: use the 'override' identifier to
// make sure the signature matches the original virtual function,
// and documents programmer intent.
int foo(float x) override { ; } // Compiler checks OK + tells coder this is virtual
int foo(int x) override { ; } // COMPILE ERROR, caught subtle bug
virtual int foo(int x) override { ; } // COMPILE ERROR, caught subtle bug
// (and redundant use of "virtual")
c++ 17标准草案
在浏览了c++ 17 N4659标准草案上的所有覆盖点之后,我能找到的唯一关于覆盖标识符的参考是:
类的成员函数被标记为virt-说明符override且不重写 基类时,程序是病态形式的。(例子: 结构B { 虚空f(int); }; 结构体D: B { 虚拟无效f(长)覆盖;//错误签名覆盖B::f 虚拟无效f(int)覆盖;/ /好吧 } - end示例]
virtual is for the base class to tell derived classes a function can be overridden There is no need to use virtual in derived classes. If a function has the same name/parameter type list/cv-qual/ref-qual, it will automatically be used correctly. (actually, using virtual in derived classes can create subtle bugs, see below) override is an optional specifier for derived classes to catch errors & document code: Tells the compiler: "make sure there is an EXACT virtual function I am overriding" Avoids creating a DIFFERENT function signature by mistake that would cause a subtle bug (i.e. 2 slightly different functions that are meant to be the same) Tells coders this is overriding a virtual function
class base
virtual int foo(float x);
// AUTOMATIC virtual function (matches original, no keywords specified)
int foo(float x) { ; }
// Re-specifying "virtual" uselessly (+ see pitfalls below)
virtual int foo(float x) { ; }
// Potential issues: it is unknown if the author intended this to be a
// virtual function or not. Also, if the author DID intend a match but
// made a mistake (e.g. use "int" for the parameter), this will create
// a subtle bug where the wrong function is called with no warning anywhere:
int foo(int x) { ; } // SUBTLE, SILENT BUG! int instead of float param
virtual int foo(int x) { ; } // SUBTLE, SILENT BUG! int instead of float param
// Better approach: use the 'override' identifier to
// make sure the signature matches the original virtual function,
// and documents programmer intent.
int foo(float x) override { ; } // Compiler checks OK + tells coder this is virtual
int foo(int x) override { ; } // COMPILE ERROR, caught subtle bug
virtual int foo(int x) override { ; } // COMPILE ERROR, caught subtle bug
// (and redundant use of "virtual")
struct Base
virtual int foo() const;
struct Derived : Base
virtual int foo() // whoops!
// ...
上面的代码可以编译,但不是您想要的(注意缺少const)。如果你说virtual int foo() override,那么你会得到一个编译器错误,你的函数实际上没有覆盖任何东西。
one mistypes a type in the new method. The compiler, unaware that it is intending to write a previous method, simply adds it to the class as a new method. The problem is that the old method is still there, the new one is added just as an overload. In this case, all calls towards the old method will function just as before, without any change in behavior (which would have been the very purpose of the rewriting). one forgets to declare the method in the superclass as "virtual", but still attempts to re-write it in a subclass. While this will be apparently accepted, the behavior won't be exactly as intended: the method is not virtual, so access through pointers towards the superclass will end calling the old (superclass') method instead of the new (subclass') method.
在超类中有一个同名的方法 超类中的这个方法被声明为“virtual”(这意味着要重写)。 父类中的方法与子类中的方法(重写方法)具有相同的(input*)签名。