

class A {
    B b = new B();


class A {
    B b;

    A() {
         b = new B();




There is one more subtle reason to initialize outside the constructor that no one has mentioned before (very specific I must say). If you are using UML tools to generate class diagrams from the code (reverse engineering), most of the tools I believe will note the initialization of Example 1 and will transfer it to a diagram (if you prefer it to show the initial values, like I do). They will not take these initial values from Example 2. Again, this is a very specific reason - if you are working with UML tools, but once I learned that, I am trying to take all my default values outside of constructor unless, as was mentioned before, there is an issue of possible exception throwing or complicated logic.


在声明时进行初始化的一个可能的优势可能是,在当今的IDE中,您可以非常容易地跳转到变量的声明(大多数情况下) Ctrl-<hover_over_the_variable>-<left_mouse_click>)在你的代码中的任何地方。然后立即看到该变量的值。否则,你必须“搜索”初始化完成的位置(主要是:构造函数)。




的开头声明所有变量 一块 使所有变量为final,除非它们 不能 每行声明一个变量 永远不要在某处初始化变量 宣布 只初始化a中的东西 构造函数时使用 的构造函数 初始化


public class X
    public static final int USED_AS_A_CASE_LABEL = 1; // only exception - the compiler makes me
    private static final int A;
    private final int b;
    private int c;

        A = 42; 

        b = 7;

    public X(final int val)
        c = val;

    public void foo(final boolean f)
        final int d;
        final int e;

        d = 7;

        // I will eat my own eyes before using ?: - personal taste.
            e = 1;
            e = 2;

This way I am always 100% certain where to look for variables declarations (at the start of a block), and their assignments (as soon as it makes sense after the declaration). This winds up potentially being more efficient as well since you never initialize a variable with a value that is not used (for example declare and init vars and then throw an exception before half of those vars needed to have a value). You also do not wind up doing pointless initialization (like int i = 0; and then later on, before "i" is used, do i = 5;.



    class MyClass extends FooClass {
    String a = null;

    public MyClass() {
        super();     // Superclass calls init();

    protected void init() {
        if (something)
            a = getStringYadaYada();


String a = null;

Null init可以避免,因为它是默认值。 然而,如果您需要另一个默认值, 然后,由于初始化顺序不受控制, 我将修改如下:

class MyClass extends FooClass 
    String a;
        if( a==null ) a="my custom default value";