
[1, 4, 2, 2, 6, 24, 15, 2, 60, 15, 6]


[1, 4, 2, 6, 24, 15, 60]



让我提出一个类似于斯科特·加德纳的答案,但使用了更简洁的reduce语法。 此解决方案从自定义对象数组中删除重复项(保持初始顺序)

// Custom Struct. Can be also class. 
// Need to be `equitable` in order to use `contains` method below
struct CustomStruct : Equatable {
      let name: String
      let lastName : String

// conform to Equatable protocol. feel free to change the logic of "equality"
func ==(lhs: CustomStruct, rhs: CustomStruct) -> Bool {
  return (lhs.name == rhs.name && lhs.lastName == rhs.lastName)

let categories = [CustomStruct(name: "name1", lastName: "lastName1"),
                  CustomStruct(name: "name2", lastName: "lastName1"),
                  CustomStruct(name: "name1", lastName: "lastName1")]
print(categories.count) // prints 3

// remove duplicates (and keep initial order of elements)
let uniq1 : [CustomStruct] = categories.reduce([]) { $0.contains($1) ? $0 : $0 + [$1] }
print(uniq1.count) // prints 2 - third element has removed


let uniq2 : [CustomStruct] = categories.reduce([]) { (result, category) in
  var newResult = result
  if (newResult.contains(category)) {}
  else {
  return newResult
uniq2.count // prints 2 - third element has removed

你可以简单地复制粘贴这段代码到Swift Playground中。



extension Array where Element: Hashable {

    /// Big O(N) version. Updated since @Adrian's comment. 
    var uniques: Array {
        // Go front to back, add element to buffer if it isn't a repeat.
         var buffer: [Element] = []
         var dictionary: [Element: Int] = [:]
         for element in self where dictionary[element] == nil {
             dictionary[element] = 1
         return buffer


let uniqueUnordered = Array(Set(array))
let uniqueOrdered = Array(NSOrderedSet(array: array))


public extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
  /// The elements of the sequence, with duplicates removed.
  /// - Note: Has equivalent elements to `Set(self)`.
  swift, deprecated: 5.4,
  message: "Doesn't compile without the constant in Swift 5.3."
  var firstUniqueElements: [Element] {
    let getSelf: (Element) -> Element = \.self
    return firstUniqueElements(getSelf)

public extension Sequence where Element: Equatable {
  /// The elements of the sequence, with duplicates removed.
  /// - Note: Has equivalent elements to `Set(self)`.
  swift, deprecated: 5.4,
  message: "Doesn't compile without the constant in Swift 5.3."
  var firstUniqueElements: [Element] {
    let getSelf: (Element) -> Element = \.self
    return firstUniqueElements(getSelf)

public extension Sequence {
  /// The elements of the sequences, with "duplicates" removed
  /// based on a closure.
  func firstUniqueElements<Hashable: Swift.Hashable>(
    _ getHashable: (Element) -> Hashable
  ) -> [Element] {
    var set: Set<Hashable> = []
    return filter { set.insert(getHashable($0)).inserted }

  /// The elements of the sequence, with "duplicates" removed,
  /// based on a closure.
  func firstUniqueElements<Equatable: Swift.Equatable>(
    _ getEquatable: (Element) -> Equatable
  ) -> [Element] {
    reduce(into: []) { uniqueElements, element in
      if zip(
        AnyIterator { [equatable = getEquatable(element)] in equatable }
      ).allSatisfy(!=) {


Swift 3/ Swift 4/ Swift 5


let filteredArr = Array(NSOrderedSet(array: yourArray))


var myArray = [1, 4, 2, 2, 6, 24, 15, 2, 60, 15, 6]
var mySet = Set<Int>(myArray)

myArray = Array(mySet) // [2, 4, 60, 6, 15, 24, 1]


myArray.sort{$0 < $1} // [1, 2, 4, 6, 15, 24, 60]