

TimeSpan ts = date1 - date2;





public class DateTimeSpan
  private DateTimeSpan() { }

  private DateTimeSpan(int years, int months, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds)
    Years = years;
    Months = months;
    Days = days;
    Hours = hours;
    Minutes = minutes;
    Seconds = seconds;
    Milliseconds = milliseconds;

  public int Years { get; private set; } = 0;
  public int Months { get; private set; } = 0;
  public int Days { get; private set; } = 0;
  public int Hours { get; private set; } = 0;
  public int Minutes { get; private set; } = 0;
  public int Seconds { get; private set; } = 0;
  public int Milliseconds { get; private set; } = 0;

  public static DateTimeSpan CompareDates(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
    if (StartDate.Equals(EndDate)) return new DateTimeSpan();
    DateTimeSpan R = new DateTimeSpan();
    bool Later;
    if (Later = StartDate > EndDate)
      DateTime D = StartDate;
      StartDate = EndDate;
      EndDate = D;

    // Calculate Date Stuff
    for (DateTime D = StartDate.AddYears(1); D < EndDate; D = D.AddYears(1), R.Years++) ;
    if (R.Years > 0) StartDate = StartDate.AddYears(R.Years);
    for (DateTime D = StartDate.AddMonths(1); D < EndDate; D = D.AddMonths(1), R.Months++) ;
    if (R.Months > 0) StartDate = StartDate.AddMonths(R.Months);
    for (DateTime D = StartDate.AddDays(1); D < EndDate; D = D.AddDays(1), R.Days++) ;
    if (R.Days > 0) StartDate = StartDate.AddDays(R.Days);

    // Calculate Time Stuff
    TimeSpan T1 = EndDate - StartDate;
    R.Hours = T1.Hours;
    R.Minutes = T1.Minutes;
    R.Seconds = T1.Seconds;
    R.Milliseconds = T1.Milliseconds;

    // Return answer. Negate values if the Start Date was later than the End Date
    if (Later)
      return new DateTimeSpan(-R.Years, -R.Months, -R.Days, -R.Hours, -R.Minutes, -R.Seconds, -R.Milliseconds);
    return R;


int nMonths = 0;
if (FDate.ToDateTime().Year == TDate.ToDateTime().Year)
     nMonths = TDate.ToDateTime().Month - FDate.ToDateTime().Month;                         
nMonths = (12 - FDate.Month) + TDate.Month;                          



public int GetTotalNumberOfMonths(DateTime start, DateTime end)
    // work with dates in the right order
    if (start > end)
        var swapper = start;
        start = end;
        end = swapper;

    switch (end.Year - start.Year)
        case 0: // Same year
            return end.Month - start.Month;

        case 1: // last year
            return (12 - start.Month) + end.Month;

            return 12 * (3 - (end.Year - start.Year)) + (12 - start.Month) + end.Month;




public static class DateTimeExtensions
    public static double TotalMonthsDifference(this DateTime from, DateTime to)
        //Compute full months difference between dates
        var fullMonthsDiff = (to.Year - from.Year)*12 + to.Month - from.Month;

        //Compute difference between the % of day to full days of each month
        var fractionMonthsDiff = ((double)(to.Day-1) / (DateTime.DaysInMonth(to.Year, to.Month)-1)) -
            ((double)(from.Day-1)/ (DateTime.DaysInMonth(from.Year, from.Month)-1));

        return fullMonthsDiff + fractionMonthsDiff;


2/29/2000 TotalMonthsDifference 2/28/2001 => 12
2/28/2000 TotalMonthsDifference 2/28/2001 => 12.035714285714286
01/01/2000 TotalMonthsDifference 01/16/2000 => 0.5
01/31/2000 TotalMonthsDifference 01/01/2000 => -1.0
01/31/2000 TotalMonthsDifference 02/29/2000 => 1.0
01/31/2000 TotalMonthsDifference 02/28/2000 => 0.9642857142857143
01/31/2001 TotalMonthsDifference 02/28/2001 => 1.0
  var dt1 = (DateTime.Now.Year * 12) + DateTime.Now.Month;
  var dt2 = (DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-13).Year * 12) + DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-13).Month;
  Console.WriteLine((dt1 - dt2));


private double ReturnDiffereceBetweenTwoDatesInMonths(DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime)
    double result = 0;
    double days = 0;
    DateTime currentDateTime = startDateTime;
    while (endDateTime > currentDateTime.AddMonths(1))
        result ++;

        currentDateTime = currentDateTime.AddMonths(1);

    if (endDateTime > currentDateTime)
        days = endDateTime.Subtract(currentDateTime).TotalDays;

    return result + days/endDateTime.GetMonthDays;