
"Hello world"


"Goodbye world"

在Cocoa Touch中是否有一个好的方法来获取矩形来保存文本视图中的所有行,这样我就可以相应地调整父视图?




// The text must already be added to the subview, or contentviewsize will be wrong.

- (void) reduceFontToFit: (UITextView *)tv {
    UIFont *font = tv.font;
    double pointSize = font.pointSize;

    while (tv.contentSize.height > tv.frame.size.height && pointSize > 7.0) {
        pointSize -= 1.0;
        UIFont *newFont = [UIFont fontWithName:font.fontName size:pointSize];
        tv.font = newFont;
    if (pointSize != font.pointSize)
        NSLog(@"font down to %.1f from %.1f", pointSize, tv.font.pointSize);


The easiest way to ask a UITextView is just calling -sizeToFitit should work also with scrollingEnabled = YES, after that check for the height and add a height constraint on the text view with the same value. Pay attention that UITexView contains insets, this means that you can't ask the string object how much space it want to use, because this is just the bounding rect of the text. All the person that are experiencing wrong size using -sizeToFit it's probably due to the fact that the text view has not been layout yet to the interface size. This always happen when you use size classes and a UITableView, the first time cells are created in the - tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: the comes out with the size of the any-any configuration, if you compute you value just now the text view will have a different width than the expected and this will screw all sizes. To overcome this issue I've found useful to override the -layoutSubviews method of the cell to recalculate textview height.


[myTextView setDelegate: self];


- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
  if (myTextView == textView) {
     // it changed.  Do resizing here.


-(CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)大小



迅速回答: 下面的代码计算textView的高度。

                let maximumLabelSize = CGSize(width: Double(textView.frame.size.width-100.0), height: DBL_MAX)
                let options = NSStringDrawingOptions.TruncatesLastVisibleLine | NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin
                let attribute = [NSFontAttributeName: textView.font!]
                let str = NSString(string: message)
                let labelBounds = str.boundingRectWithSize(maximumLabelSize,
                    options: NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin,
                    attributes: attribute,
                    context: nil)
                let myTextHeight = CGFloat(ceilf(Float(labelBounds.height)))


在ios 11上非常有效 我在一个牢房里工作,就像一个有泡泡的聊天室。

let content = UITextView(frame: CGRect(x: 4, y: 4, width: 0, height: 0))
content.text = "what ever short or long text you wanna try"
content.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.left
content.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13)
let spaceAvailable = 200 //My cell is fancy I have to calculate it...
let newSize = content.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: CGFloat(spaceAvailable), height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
content.isEditable = false
content.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypes.all
content.isScrollEnabled = false
content.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear