
编辑:线段由两个端点定义。线段AB由两点A (x1,y1)和B (x2,y2)定义。我要求的是这条线段到点C (x3,y3)的距离。我的几何技能生疏了,所以我看到的例子让我很困惑,我很遗憾地承认。



-- distance from point (px, py) to line segment (x1, y1, x2, y2)
function distPointToLine(px,py,x1,y1,x2,y2) -- point, start and end of the segment
    local dx,dy = x2-x1,y2-y1
    local length = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)
    dx,dy = dx/length,dy/length -- normalization
    local p = dx*(px-x1)+dy*(py-y1)
    if p < 0 then
        dx,dy = px-x1,py-y1
        return math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy), x1, y1 -- distance, nearest point
    elseif p > length then
        dx,dy = px-x2,py-y2
        return math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy), x2, y2 -- distance, nearest point
    return math.abs(dy*(px-x1)-dx*(py-y1)), x1+dx*p, y1+dy*p -- distance, nearest point


-- if the (poly-)line has several segments, just iterate through all of them:
function nearest_sector_in_line (x, y, line)
    local x1, y1, x2, y2, min_dist
    local ax,ay = line[1], line[2]
    for j = 3, #line-1, 2 do
        local bx,by = line[j], line[j+1]
        local dist = distPointToLine(x,y,ax,ay,bx,by)
        if not min_dist or dist < min_dist then
            min_dist = dist
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = ax,ay,bx,by
        ax, ay = bx, by
    return x1, y1, x2, y2


-- call it:
local x1, y1, x2, y2 = nearest_sector_in_line (7, 4, {0,0, 10,0, 10,10, 0,10})


%Matlab solution by Tim from Cody
function ans=distP2S(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2)
% Point is x0,y0


CREATE FUNCTION dist_to_segment(px double, py double, vx double, vy double, wx double, wy double)
  RETURNS double
BEGIN atomic
   declare l2 double;
   declare t double;
   declare nx double;
   declare ny double;
   set l2 =(vx - wx)*(vx - wx) + (vy - wy)*(vy - wy);
   IF l2 = 0 THEN
     RETURN sqrt((vx - px)*(vx - px) + (vy - py)*(vy - py));
     set t = ((px - vx) * (wx - vx) + (py - vy) * (wy - vy)) / l2;
     set t = GREATEST(0, LEAST(1, t));
     set nx=vx + t * (wx - vx);
     set ny=vy + t * (wy - vy);
     RETURN sqrt((nx - px)*(nx - px) + (ny - py)*(ny - py));
   END IF;


CREATE FUNCTION dist_to_segment(px numeric, py numeric, vx numeric, vy numeric, wx numeric, wy numeric)
  RETURNS numeric
AS $$
   declare l2 numeric;
   declare t numeric;
   declare nx numeric;
   declare ny numeric;
   l2 := (vx - wx)*(vx - wx) + (vy - wy)*(vy - wy);
   IF l2 = 0 THEN
     RETURN sqrt((vx - px)*(vx - px) + (vy - py)*(vy - py));
     t := ((px - vx) * (wx - vx) + (py - vy) * (wy - vy)) / l2;
     t := GREATEST(0, LEAST(1, t));
     nx := vx + t * (wx - vx);
     ny := vy + t * (wy - vy);
     RETURN sqrt((nx - px)*(nx - px) + (ny - py)*(ny - py));
   END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

上面的函数在垂直线上不起作用。这是一个工作正常的函数! 与点p1 p2相交。CheckPoint为p;

public float DistanceOfPointToLine2(PointF p1, PointF p2, PointF p)
  //          (y1-y2)x + (x2-x1)y + (x1y2-x2y1)
  //d(P,L) = --------------------------------
  //         sqrt( (x2-x1)pow2 + (y2-y1)pow2 )

  double ch = (p1.Y - p2.Y) * p.X + (p2.X - p1.X) * p.Y + (p1.X * p2.Y - p2.X * p1.Y);
  double del = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p2.X - p1.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p2.Y - p1.Y, 2));
  double d = ch / del;
  return (float)d;



public static double MinimumDistanceToLineSegment(this Point p,
    Line line)
    var v = line.StartPoint;
    var w = line.EndPoint;

    double lengthSquared = DistanceSquared(v, w);

    if (lengthSquared == 0.0)
        return Distance(p, v);

    double t = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, DotProduct(p - v, w - v) / lengthSquared));
    var projection = v + t * (w - v);

    return Distance(p, projection);

public static double Distance(Point a, Point b)
    return Math.Sqrt(DistanceSquared(a, b));

public static double DistanceSquared(Point a, Point b)
    var d = a - b;
    return DotProduct(d, d);

public static double DotProduct(Point a, Point b)
    return (a.X * b.X) + (a.Y * b.Y);

现在我的解决方案...... (Javascript)



代码来自lib http://www.draw2d.org/graphiti/jsdoc/#!/例子

 * Static util function to determine is a point(px,py) on the line(x1,y1,x2,y2)
 * A simple hit test.
 * @return {boolean}
 * @static
 * @private
 * @param {Number} coronaWidth the accepted corona for the hit test
 * @param {Number} X1 x coordinate of the start point of the line
 * @param {Number} Y1 y coordinate of the start point of the line
 * @param {Number} X2 x coordinate of the end point of the line
 * @param {Number} Y2 y coordinate of the end point of the line
 * @param {Number} px x coordinate of the point to test
 * @param {Number} py y coordinate of the point to test
graphiti.shape.basic.Line.hit= function( coronaWidth, X1, Y1,  X2,  Y2, px, py)
  // Adjust vectors relative to X1,Y1
  // X2,Y2 becomes relative vector from X1,Y1 to end of segment
  X2 -= X1;
  Y2 -= Y1;
  // px,py becomes relative vector from X1,Y1 to test point
  px -= X1;
  py -= Y1;
  var dotprod = px * X2 + py * Y2;
  var projlenSq;
  if (dotprod <= 0.0) {
      // px,py is on the side of X1,Y1 away from X2,Y2
      // distance to segment is length of px,py vector
      // "length of its (clipped) projection" is now 0.0
      projlenSq = 0.0;
  } else {
      // switch to backwards vectors relative to X2,Y2
      // X2,Y2 are already the negative of X1,Y1=>X2,Y2
      // to get px,py to be the negative of px,py=>X2,Y2
      // the dot product of two negated vectors is the same
      // as the dot product of the two normal vectors
      px = X2 - px;
      py = Y2 - py;
      dotprod = px * X2 + py * Y2;
      if (dotprod <= 0.0) {
          // px,py is on the side of X2,Y2 away from X1,Y1
          // distance to segment is length of (backwards) px,py vector
          // "length of its (clipped) projection" is now 0.0
          projlenSq = 0.0;
      } else {
          // px,py is between X1,Y1 and X2,Y2
          // dotprod is the length of the px,py vector
          // projected on the X2,Y2=>X1,Y1 vector times the
          // length of the X2,Y2=>X1,Y1 vector
          projlenSq = dotprod * dotprod / (X2 * X2 + Y2 * Y2);
    // Distance to line is now the length of the relative point
    // vector minus the length of its projection onto the line
    // (which is zero if the projection falls outside the range
    //  of the line segment).
    var lenSq = px * px + py * py - projlenSq;
    if (lenSq < 0) {
        lenSq = 0;
    return Math.sqrt(lenSq)<coronaWidth;