编辑:线段由两个端点定义。线段AB由两点A (x1,y1)和B (x2,y2)定义。我要求的是这条线段到点C (x3,y3)的距离。我的几何技能生疏了,所以我看到的例子让我很困惑,我很遗憾地承认。
编辑:线段由两个端点定义。线段AB由两点A (x1,y1)和B (x2,y2)定义。我要求的是这条线段到点C (x3,y3)的距离。我的几何技能生疏了,所以我看到的例子让我很困惑,我很遗憾地承认。
Lua: 查找线段(不是整条线)与点之间的最小距离
function solveLinearEquation(A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2)
--it is the implitaion of a method of solving linear equations in x and y
local f1 = B1*C2 -B2*C1
local f2 = A2*C1-A1*C2
local f3 = A1*B2 -A2*B1
return {x= f1/f3, y= f2/f3}
function pointLiesOnLine(x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2)
local dx1 = x-x1
local dy1 = y-y1
local dx2 = x-x2
local dy2 = y-y2
local crossProduct = dy1*dx2 -dx1*dy2
if crossProduct ~= 0 then return false
if ((x1>=x) and (x>=x2)) or ((x2>=x) and (x>=x1)) then
if ((y1>=y) and (y>=y2)) or ((y2>=y) and (y>=y1)) then
return true
else return false end
else return false end
function dist(x1,y1,x2,y2)
local dx = x1-x2
local dy = y1-y2
return math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy* dy)
function findMinDistBetnPointAndLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
-- finds the min distance between (x3,y3) and line (x1,y2)--(x2,y2)
local A2,B2,C2,A1,B1,C1
local dx = y2-y1
local dy = x2-x1
if dx == 0 then A2=1 B2=0 C2=-x3 A1=0 B1=1 C1=-y1
elseif dy == 0 then A2=0 B2=1 C2=-y3 A1=1 B1=0 C1=-x1
local m1 = dy/dx
local m2 = -1/m1
A2=m2 B2=-1 C2=y3-m2*x3 A1=m1 B1=-1 C1=y1-m1*x1
local intsecPoint= solveLinearEquation(A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2)
if pointLiesOnLine(intsecPoint.x, intsecPoint.y,x1,y1,x2,y2) then
return dist(intsecPoint.x, intsecPoint.y, x3,y3)
return math.min(dist(x3,y3,x1,y1),dist(x3,y3,x2,y2))
public static bool PointSegmentDistanceSquared(PointF point, PointF lineStart, PointF lineEnd, out double distance, out PointF intersectPoint)
const double kMinSegmentLenSquared = 0.00000001; // adjust to suit. If you use float, you'll probably want something like 0.000001f
const double kEpsilon = 1.0E-14; // adjust to suit. If you use floats, you'll probably want something like 1E-7f
double dX = lineEnd.X - lineStart.X;
double dY = lineEnd.Y - lineStart.Y;
double dp1X = point.X - lineStart.X;
double dp1Y = point.Y - lineStart.Y;
double segLenSquared = (dX * dX) + (dY * dY);
double t = 0.0;
if (segLenSquared >= -kMinSegmentLenSquared && segLenSquared <= kMinSegmentLenSquared)
// segment is a point.
intersectPoint = lineStart;
t = 0.0;
distance = ((dp1X * dp1X) + (dp1Y * dp1Y));
// Project a line from p to the segment [p1,p2]. By considering the line
// extending the segment, parameterized as p1 + (t * (p2 - p1)),
// we find projection of point p onto the line.
// It falls where t = [(p - p1) . (p2 - p1)] / |p2 - p1|^2
t = ((dp1X * dX) + (dp1Y * dY)) / segLenSquared;
if (t < kEpsilon)
// intersects at or to the "left" of first segment vertex (lineStart.X, lineStart.Y). If t is approximately 0.0, then
// intersection is at p1. If t is less than that, then there is no intersection (i.e. p is not within
// the 'bounds' of the segment)
if (t > -kEpsilon)
// intersects at 1st segment vertex
t = 0.0;
// set our 'intersection' point to p1.
intersectPoint = lineStart;
// Note: If you wanted the ACTUAL intersection point of where the projected lines would intersect if
// we were doing PointLineDistanceSquared, then intersectPoint.X would be (lineStart.X + (t * dx)) and intersectPoint.Y would be (lineStart.Y + (t * dy)).
else if (t > (1.0 - kEpsilon))
// intersects at or to the "right" of second segment vertex (lineEnd.X, lineEnd.Y). If t is approximately 1.0, then
// intersection is at p2. If t is greater than that, then there is no intersection (i.e. p is not within
// the 'bounds' of the segment)
if (t < (1.0 + kEpsilon))
// intersects at 2nd segment vertex
t = 1.0;
// set our 'intersection' point to p2.
intersectPoint = lineEnd;
// Note: If you wanted the ACTUAL intersection point of where the projected lines would intersect if
// we were doing PointLineDistanceSquared, then intersectPoint.X would be (lineStart.X + (t * dx)) and intersectPoint.Y would be (lineStart.Y + (t * dy)).
// The projection of the point to the point on the segment that is perpendicular succeeded and the point
// is 'within' the bounds of the segment. Set the intersection point as that projected point.
intersectPoint = new PointF((float)(lineStart.X + (t * dX)), (float)(lineStart.Y + (t * dY)));
// return the squared distance from p to the intersection point. Note that we return the squared distance
// as an optimization because many times you just need to compare relative distances and the squared values
// works fine for that. If you want the ACTUAL distance, just take the square root of this value.
double dpqX = point.X - intersectPoint.X;
double dpqY = point.Y - intersectPoint.Y;
distance = ((dpqX * dpqX) + (dpqY * dpqY));
return true;
和这个答案一样,只是用的是Visual Basic。使其可作为Microsoft Excel和VBA/宏中的用户定义函数使用。
Function DistanceToSegment(x As Double, y As Double, x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double)
Dim A As Double
A = x - x1
Dim B As Double
B = y - y1
Dim C As Double
C = x2 - x1
Dim D As Double
D = y2 - y1
Dim dot As Double
dot = A * C + B * D
Dim len_sq As Double
len_sq = C * C + D * D
Dim param As Double
param = -1
If (len_sq <> 0) Then
param = dot / len_sq
End If
Dim xx As Double
Dim yy As Double
If (param < 0) Then
xx = x1
yy = y1
ElseIf (param > 1) Then
xx = x2
yy = y2
xx = x1 + param * C
yy = y1 + param * D
End If
Dim dx As Double
dx = x - xx
Dim dy As Double
dy = y - yy
DistanceToSegment = Math.Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
End Function
请参见以下网站中的Matlab几何工具箱: http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/geometry/geometry.html
按Ctrl +f,输入“segment”,查找线段相关函数。函数“segment_point_dist_2d.”和segment_point_dist_3d。M "是你需要的。
// line (a -> b ) point p[enter image description here][1]
float distanceToLine(vec2 a, vec2 b, vec2 p) {
float aside = dot((p - a),(b - a));
if(aside< 0.0) return length(p-a);
float bside = dot((p - b),(a - b));
if(bside< 0.0) return length(p-b);
vec2 pointOnLine = (bside*a + aside*b)/pow(length(a-b),2.0);
return length(p - pointOnLine);
function Dot(const p1, p2: PointF): double;
Result := p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y;
function SubPoint(const p1, p2: PointF): PointF;
result.x := p1.x - p2.x;
result.y := p1.y - p2.y;
function ShortestDistance2(const p,v,w : PointF) : double;
l2,t : double;
projection,tt: PointF;
// Return minimum distance between line segment vw and point p
//l2 := length_squared(v, w); // i.e. |w-v|^2 - avoid a sqrt
l2 := Distance(v,w);
l2 := MPower(l2,2);
if (l2 = 0.0) then begin
result:= Distance(p, v); // v == w case
// Consider the line extending the segment, parameterized as v + t (w - v).
// We find projection of point p onto the line.
// It falls where t = [(p-v) . (w-v)] / |w-v|^2
t := Dot(SubPoint(p,v),SubPoint(w,v)) / l2;
if (t < 0.0) then begin
result := Distance(p, v); // Beyond the 'v' end of the segment
else if (t > 1.0) then begin
result := Distance(p, w); // Beyond the 'w' end of the segment
//projection := v + t * (w - v); // Projection falls on the segment
tt.x := v.x + t * (w.x - v.x);
tt.y := v.y + t * (w.y - v.y);
result := Distance(p, tt);