我为我的应用程序不期望的每个条件创建了异常。UserNameNotValidException, PasswordNotCorrectException等。











The code flow for the common case is clearer Can return complex error information as an object (although this can also be achieved using error "out" parameter passed by reference) Languages generally provide some facility for managing tidy cleanup in the event of the exception (try/finally in Java, using in C#, RAII in C++) In the event no exception is thrown, execution can sometimes be faster than checking return codes In Java, checked exceptions must be declared or caught (although this can be a reason against)


Sometimes it's overkill if the error handling is simple If exceptions are not documented or declared, they may be uncaught by calling code, which may be worse than if the the calling code just ignored a return code (application exit vs silent failure - which is worse may depend on the scenario) In C++, code that uses exceptions must be exception safe (even if you don't throw or catch them, but call a throwing function indirectly) In C++, it is hard to tell when a function might throw, therefore you must be paranoid about exception safety if you use them Throwing and catching exceptions is generally significantly more expensive compared to checking a return flag

一般来说,我更倾向于在Java中使用异常,而不是在c++或c#中,因为我认为异常,无论是否声明,都是函数正式接口的基本组成部分,因为更改异常保证可能会破坏调用代码。在Java IMO中使用它们的最大优势是,您知道调用者必须处理异常,这提高了正确行为的机会。





Example 2: say I have another function which examines a List<> and returns true if its length is more than 50, and false if the length is less. This function asks the question, "Does this list have more than 50 items?" But this question makes an assumption - it assumes that the object it is given is a list. If I hand it a NULL, then that assumption is false. In that case, if the function returns either true or false, then it is breaking its own rules. The function cannot return anything and claim that it answered the question correctly. So it doesn't return - it throws an exception.




You will see plenty of advice, including in answers to this question, that you should throw exceptions only in "exceptional" circumstances. That seems superficially reasonable, but is flawed advice, because it replaces one question ("when should I throw an exception") with another subjective question ("what is exceptional"). Instead, follow the advice of Herb Sutter (for C++, available in the Dr Dobbs article When and How to Use Exceptions, and also in his book with Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards): throw an exception if, and only if

没有满足先决条件(通常会出现以下情况之一 不可能的)或 替代方案将无法满足后置条件或 替代方案将无法保持不变式。


Preconditions, postconditions and invariants are design characteristics of our program (its internal API), whereas the decision to throw is an implementation detail. It forces us to bear in mind that we must consider the design and its implementation separately, and our job while implementing a method is to produce something that satisfies the design constraints. It forces us to think in terms of preconditions, postconditions and invariants, which are the only assumptions that callers of our method should make, and are expressed precisely, enabling loose coupling between the components of our program. That loose coupling then allows us to refactor the implementation, if necessary. The post-conditions and invariants are testable; it results in code that can be easily unit tested, because the post-conditions are predicates our unit-test code can check (assert). Thinking in terms of post-conditions naturally produces a design that has success as a post-condition, which is the natural style for using exceptions. The normal ("happy") execution path of your program is laid out linearly, with all the error handling code moved to the catch clauses.


使用异常来通知不应该被忽略的事情。 如果错误可以在本地处理,就不要使用异常 确保异常与例程的其余部分处于相同的抽象级别。 异常应该留给真正的异常。