




在cmd中轻松地键入此命令。 替换Users\您的用户名\ 如果你没有这个文件重新安装android studio。


Windows 10对我的帮助:

1 cd C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator

列出所有可用的:emulator -list-avds

3启动NON-GUI模式:模拟器-avd Pixel_3a_API_30_x86 -no-window


Create a new virtual device (AVD) for the platform you need. If you have to use command line for creating your AVD, you can call android create avd -n <name> -t <targetID> where targetID is the API level you need. If you can use GUI, just type in android avd and it will launch the manager, where you can do the same. You can read more about AVD management through GUI and through command line. Run the AVD either by using command emulator -avd <name> or through previously launched GUI. Wait until the emulator fully loads, it takes some time. You can read about additional options here. Now you have to install the application to your AVD. Usually during development you just use the same Ant script you used to build the project, just select install target. However, you can install the application manually using command adb install <path-to-your-APK>. Now switch to emulator and launch your application like on any normal device, through the launcher. Or, as an alternative, you can use the following command: adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n <package>/<activity class>. For example: adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n org.sample.helloworld/org.sample.helloworld.HelloWorld. As a commenter suggested, you can also replace org.sample.helloworld.HelloWorld in the line above with just .HelloWorld, and it will work too.


android - avd。 SDK_PATH/工具/ emuls / netdelay no -netspeed full -avd “AVD_NAME”

一个启动程序脚本,列出现有的avd,让你选择一个你想要的。需要python3(至少v3.4)和一个有效的环境变量ANDROID_HOME或ANDROID_SDK指向Android SDK目录。

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

android_emulator_dir: Path = Path(os.environ['ANDROID_HOME'] or os.environ['ANDROID_SDK']) / 'emulator'

if android_emulator_dir.exists():
    emulator_dir = android_emulator_dir.absolute()
    print(f'SDK emulator dir: {emulator_dir}', end='\n\n')

    proc = subprocess.Popen(['./emulator', '-list-avds'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=emulator_dir, text=True)
    avds = {idx: avd_name.strip() for idx, avd_name in enumerate(proc.stdout, start=1)}

    print('\n'.join([f'{idx}: {avd_name}' for idx, avd_name in avds.items()]))

    avd_idx = input("\nType AVD index and press Enter... ")
    avd_name = avds.get(int(avd_idx))

    if avd_name:
        subprocess.Popen(['./emulator', '-avd', avd_name, '-no-boot-anim'], cwd=emulator_dir)
        print('Invalid AVD index')
    print(f'Either $ANDROID_HOME or $ANDROID_SDK must be defined!')


osascript -e '
set avds to paragraphs of (do shell script "~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator -list-avds")
set avd to (choose from list avds with prompt "Please select an AVD to start" default items "None" OK button name {"Start"} cancel button name {"Cancel"})
do shell script "~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator -avd " & avd & " -no-boot-anim > /dev/null 2>&1 &"




检查现有avd:- 模拟器-list-avds 启动模拟器,设置dns /Users/{{UserName}}/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator -avd Pixel_API_26 -dns-server