一种方法是统计文件大小,调整std::string和fread()到std::string的const_cast<char*>()'ed data()。这要求std::string的数据是连续的,这不是标准所要求的,但它似乎是所有已知实现的情况。更糟糕的是,如果以文本模式读取文件,std::string的大小可能不等于文件的大小。
void slurp(std::string& data, bool is_binary)
std::streamsize size = file.tellg();
std::vector<char> buffer(size);
在上面的例子中,如果tellg()遇到错误,它将返回-1。在signed(即tellg()的结果)和unsigned(即vector<char>构造函数的arg)之间隐式强制转换将导致your vector错误地分配大量字节。(可能是4294967295字节,或4GB。)
string readFile2(const string &fileName)
ifstream ifs(fileName.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary | ios::ate);
ifstream::pos_type fileSize = ifs.tellg();
if (fileSize < 0) <--- ADDED
return std::string(); <--- ADDED
ifs.seekg(0, ios::beg);
vector<char> bytes(fileSize);
ifs.read(&bytes[0], fileSize);
return string(&bytes[0], fileSize);
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
std::string file_get_contents(const std::string &$filename)
std::ifstream file($filename, std::ifstream::binary);
file.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);
file.seekg(0, std::istream::end);
const std::streampos ssize = file.tellg();
if (ssize < 0)
// can't get size for some reason, fallback to slower "just read everything"
// because i dont trust that we could seek back/fourth in the original stream,
// im creating a new stream.
std::ifstream file($filename, std::ifstream::binary);
file.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << file.rdbuf();
return ss.str();
file.seekg(0, std::istream::beg);
std::string result(size_t(ssize), 0);
file.read(&result[0], std::streamsize(ssize));
return result;
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
//Returns true if successful.
bool readInFile(std::string pathString)
//Make sure the file exists and is an actual file.
if (!std::filesystem::is_regular_file(pathString))
return false;
//Convert relative path to absolute path.
pathString = std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(pathString);
//Open the file for reading (binary is fastest).
std::wifstream in(pathString, std::ios::binary);
//Make sure the file opened.
if (!in)
return false;
//Wide string to store the file's contents.
std::wstring fileContents;
//Jump to the end of the file to determine the file size.
in.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
//Resize the wide string to be able to fit the entire file (Note: Do not use reserve()!).
//Go back to the beginning of the file to start reading.
in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
//Read the entire file's contents into the wide string.
in.read(fileContents.data(), fileContents.size());
//Close the file.
//Do whatever you want with the file contents.
std::wcout << fileContents << L" " << fileContents.size();
return true;
std::string file_to_string(const std::string& file_name)
std::ifstream file_stream{file_name};
if (file_stream.fail())
// Error opening file.
std::ostringstream str_stream{};
file_stream >> str_stream.rdbuf(); // NOT str_stream << file_stream.rdbuf()
if (file_stream.fail() && !file_stream.eof())
// Error reading file.
return str_stream.str();
I'm adding this answer because adding error-checking to the original method is not as trivial as you'd expect. The original method uses stringstream's insertion operator (str_stream << file_stream.rdbuf()). The problem is that this sets the stringstream's failbit when no characters are inserted. That can be due to an error or it can be due to the file being empty. If you check for failures by inspecting the failbit, you'll encounter a false positive when you read an empty file. How do you disambiguate legitimate failure to insert any characters and "failure" to insert any characters because the file is empty?
检查失败条件str_stream.fail() && !str_stream.eof()不工作,因为插入操作没有设置eofbit(在ostringstream或ifstream上)。
所以,解决办法就是改变操作。不要使用ostringstream的插入操作符(<<),而是使用ifstream的提取操作符(>>),它确实设置了eofbit。然后检查失败条件file_stream.fail() && !file_stream.eof()。
重要的是,当file_stream >> str_stream.rdbuf()遇到合法的失败时,它不应该设置eofbit(根据我对规范的理解)。这意味着上述检查足以检测出合法的故障。