#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
int random(int range);
int main(void)
printf("%d", random(10));
return 0;
int random(int range)
struct time t;
int r;
r = t.ti_sec % range;
return r;
Uses the srand() function to seed the random number generator based on time value,
then returns an integer in the range 1 to max. Call this with random(n) where n is an integer, and you get an integer as a return value.
int random(int max) {
srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
return (rand() % max) + 1;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef double rand_type; // change double to int
rand_type my_rand() {
char buff[sizeof(rand_type)];
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof(rand_type) ; ++i)
buff[i] = (char) rand();
return *(rand_type *) buff;
int main() {
int i ; // srand as you want
for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
printf("%g\n", my_rand()); // change %g to %d
return 0 ;
在现代的x86_64 cpu上,您可以通过_rdrand64_step()使用硬件随机数生成器。
#include <immintrin.h>
uint64_t randVal;
if(!_rdrand64_step(&randVal)) {
// Report an error here: random number generation has failed!
// If no error occured, randVal contains a random 64-bit number
<stdlib.h>中的rand()函数返回一个介于0和RAND_MAX之间的伪随机整数。你可以使用srand(unsigned int seed)来设置种子。
/* random int between 0 and 19 */
int r = rand() % 20;
/* Returns an integer in the range [0, n).
* Uses rand(), and so is affected-by/affects the same seed.
int randint(int n) {
if ((n - 1) == RAND_MAX) {
return rand();
} else {
// Supporting larger values for n would requires an even more
// elaborate implementation that combines multiple calls to rand()
assert (n <= RAND_MAX)
// Chop off all of the values that would cause skew...
int end = RAND_MAX / n; // truncate skew
assert (end > 0);
end *= n;
// ... and ignore results from rand() that fall above that limit.
// (Worst case the loop condition should succeed 50% of the time,
// so we can expect to bail out of this loop pretty quickly.)
int r;
while ((r = rand()) >= end);
return r % n;
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