

如果您需要128个安全随机位,符合RFC 1750的解决方案是读取已知可以生成可用熵位的硬件源(例如旋转磁盘)。更好的是,好的实现应该使用混合函数组合多个源,并最终通过重新映射或删除输出来消除输出分布的倾斜。




注意,对于Windows bbcryptgenrandom是使用的,而不是CryptGenRandom,在过去的20年里已经变得不安全。您可以亲自确认BCryptGenRandom符合RFC 1750。

For POSIX-compliant operating systems, e.g. Ubuntu (a flavor of Linux), you can simply read from /dev/urandom or /dev/random, which is a file-like interface to a device that generates bits of entropy by combining multiple sources in an RFC 1750 compliant fashion. You can read a desired number of bytes from these "files" with read or fread just like you would any other file, but note that reads from /dev/random will block until a enough new bits of entropy are available, whereas /dev/urandom will not, which can be a security issue. You can get around that by checking the size of the available entropy pool, either my reading from entropy_avail, or by using ioctl.





const int MIN = 1;
const int MAX = 1024;
// Get a pseudo-random number between MIN and MAX, **inclusive**.
// Seeding of the pseudo-random number generator automatically occurs
// the very first time you call it.
int random_num = utils_rand(MIN, MAX);


#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/// \brief      Use linear interpolation to rescale, or "map" value `val` from range
///             `in_min` to `in_max`, inclusive, to range `out_min` to `out_max`, inclusive.
/// \details    Similar to Arduino's ingenious `map()` function:
///             https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/math/map/
/// TODO(gabriel): turn this into a gcc statement expression instead to prevent the potential for
/// the "double evaluation" bug. See `MIN()` and `MAX()` above.
#define UTILS_MAP(val, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) \
    (((val) - (in_min)) * ((out_max) - (out_min)) / ((in_max) - (in_min)) + (out_min))

/// \brief      Obtain a pseudo-random integer value between `min` and `max`, **inclusive**.
/// \details    1. If `(max - min + 1) > RAND_MAX`, then the range of values returned will be
///             **scaled** to the range `max - min + 1`, and centered over the center of the
///             range at `(min + max)/2`. Scaling the numbers means that in the case of scaling,
///             not all numbers can even be reached. However, you will still be assured to have
///             a random distribution of numbers across the full range.
///             2. Also, the first time per program run that you call this function, it will
///             automatically seed the pseudo-random number generator with your system's
///             current time in seconds.
/// \param[in]  min         The minimum pseudo-random number you'd like, inclusive. Can be positive
///                         OR negative.
/// \param[in]  max         The maximum pseudo-random number you'd like, inclusive. Can be positive
///                         OR negative.
/// \return     A pseudo-random integer value between `min` and `max`, **inclusive**.
int utils_rand(int min, int max)
    static bool first_run = true;
    if (first_run)
        // seed the pseudo-random number generator with the seconds time the very first run
        time_t time_now_sec = time(NULL);
        first_run = false;

    int range = max - min + 1;
    int random_num = rand();  // random num from 0 to RAND_MAX, inclusive

    if (range > RAND_MAX)
            sizeof(long int) > sizeof(int),
            "This must be true or else the below mapping/scaling may have undefined overflow "
            "and not work properly. In such a case, try casting to `long long int` instead of "
            "just `long int`, and update this static_assert accordingly.");

        random_num = UTILS_MAP((long int)random_num, (long int)0, (long int)RAND_MAX, (long int)min,
                               (long int)max);
        return random_num;

    // This is presumably a faster approach than the map/scaling function above, so do this faster
    // approach below whenever you don't **have** to do the more-complicated approach above.
    random_num %= range;
    random_num += min;

    return random_num;


[我在写下上面的答案后发现了这个问答,但它显然非常相关,他们对非缩放范围的情况做了同样的事情]我如何从rand()中获得特定的数字范围? [我需要进一步研究和阅读这个答案-似乎有一些好的观点,保持良好的随机性不使用模量]我如何从rand()得到一个特定的数字范围? http://c-faq.com/lib/randrange.html



uint32_t arc4random(void)
void arc4random_buf(void *buf, size_t bytes)
uint32_t arc4random_uniform(uint32_t limit)
void arc4random_stir(void)
void arc4random_addrandom(unsigned char *dat, int datlen)


Arc4random_buf将随机内容放在参数buf: void *中。内容的数量由bytes: size_t参数决定。

Arc4random_uniform返回一个随机的32位无符号整数,它遵循规则:0 <= Arc4random_uniform (limit) < limit,其中limit也是一个32位无符号整数。




/* This is C, not C++ */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */

int urandom_fd = -2;

void urandom_init() {
  urandom_fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);

  if (urandom_fd == -1) {
    int errsv = urandom_fd;
    printf("Error opening [/dev/urandom]: %i\n", errsv);

unsigned long urandom() {
  unsigned long buf_impl;
  unsigned long *buf = &buf_impl;

  if (urandom_fd == -2) {

  /* Read sizeof(long) bytes (usually 8) into *buf, which points to buf_impl */
  read(urandom_fd, buf, sizeof(long));
  return buf_impl;







urandom, rand或arc4random调用的包装器函数:

#define RAND_IMPL /* urandom(see large code block) | rand | arc4random */

int myRandom(int bottom, int top){
    return (RAND_IMPL() % (top - bottom)) + bottom;




    #include <stdio.h>

    int random_number(int min_num, int max_num);

    int main(void)
        printf("Min : 1 Max : 40 %d\n", random_number(1,40));
        printf("Min : 100 Max : 1000 %d\n",random_number(100,1000));
        return 0;

    int random_number(int min_num, int max_num)
        int result = 0, low_num = 0, hi_num = 0;

        if (min_num < max_num)
            low_num = min_num;
            hi_num = max_num + 1; // include max_num in output
        } else {
            low_num = max_num + 1; // include max_num in output
            hi_num = min_num;

        result = (rand() % (hi_num - low_num)) + low_num;
        return result;

如果您需要128个安全随机位,符合RFC 1750的解决方案是读取已知可以生成可用熵位的硬件源(例如旋转磁盘)。更好的是,好的实现应该使用混合函数组合多个源,并最终通过重新映射或删除输出来消除输出分布的倾斜。




注意,对于Windows bbcryptgenrandom是使用的,而不是CryptGenRandom,在过去的20年里已经变得不安全。您可以亲自确认BCryptGenRandom符合RFC 1750。

For POSIX-compliant operating systems, e.g. Ubuntu (a flavor of Linux), you can simply read from /dev/urandom or /dev/random, which is a file-like interface to a device that generates bits of entropy by combining multiple sources in an RFC 1750 compliant fashion. You can read a desired number of bytes from these "files" with read or fread just like you would any other file, but note that reads from /dev/random will block until a enough new bits of entropy are available, whereas /dev/urandom will not, which can be a security issue. You can get around that by checking the size of the available entropy pool, either my reading from entropy_avail, or by using ioctl.

你也可以使用mathgl库#include <mgl2/mgl_cf.h>(虽然首先你需要安装它,我自己通过MSYS2安装)函数mgl_rnd()。它也有均匀分布,高斯分布等等。这是ez的用法。但我不知道它的特点。