






今天,ASP。NET WebForms和WPF程序员经常在不知道或不关心它将如何实现的情况下编写代码。维基百科还有其他不那么主流的例子。此外,所有sgml派生的“标记”语言都是声明性的,我怀疑1979年的许多程序员是否能预测到它们在30年后的重要性或普遍性。


-- 注: 我不能直接证明这一点,因为1979年我还是个胎儿。 从其他答案来看,人们似乎混淆了概念和发明。达·芬奇构想了直升机,但他没有发明它。这个问题是关于计算机发明的。 请不要在评论中提到Prolog (rel. 1975),除非你真的用它开发了一个应用程序。



The thing is, though, that the pre-1980 days were a lot more vibrant in terms of truly disruptive new technologies. That's the way it is with any new field -- hwo many game-changing technology advances have you seen in railroads in the past 100 years? How many have you seen in lightbulbs? In the printing press? Once something ignites a hype in the right circles, there is an explosive period of invention, followed by a long period of maturing. After that, you're not going to see the same kind of completely radical changes again UNLESS the basic circumstances change.


Mobility - smart phones bring computing to a truly portable platform, which will soon include location-based services and proximity-based ad-hoc networks. It's a completely new paradigm that's potentially as game-changing as the GUI has been The WWW (HTTP, HTML and DNS) has already been mentioned and is an obvious addition to the list, since it is enabling global, inexpensive, mainstream rich communication across the globe - all thanks to a computing platform On the interface side, both touch, multitouch (Jeff Han comes to mind) and the Wiimote need mentioning. Currently, they are basically curiosities, but so were the early GUIs. OOP design patterns -- higher level solutions as best practices to hard problems. Depending on your definition of 'computing', it may or may not belong on the list, but if you count OOP as a significant advance pre-1980 (I certainly do), I think design patterns and the GoF deserve a mention too Google's PageRank and MapReduce algorithms - I am pleased to notice I wasn't the first to mention them, and seriously --- where would the world be without the principles of both of them? I vividly remember what the world looked like before them, and suffice it to say Google really IS my friend. Non-volatile memory -- it's on the hardware side, but it is going to play a significant role in the future of computing - making bootup times a thing of the past, for example, and enabling us to use computers in entirely new ways Semantic (natural language) search / analysis / classification / translation... We're not quite there yet, but companies like Powerset give the impression that we're on the brink. On that note, intelligent HTMs should be on this list as well. I am yet another believer in Jeff Hawkins' model and approach, and if it works, it will mean a complete redefinition of what computers can do, what it means to be human, and where the world can go from here. Creating a real intelligence in that way (synthetically) would be bigger than anything the human race has accomplished before. GNU + Linux 3D printing / rapid prototyping (and, in time, manufacturing) P2P (which also lead to VoIP etc.) E-ink, once the technologies mature a bit more RFID might belong on the list, but the verdict is still out on that one Quantum Computing is the most obvious element on the list, except we still haven't been able to get enough qubits to play along. However, my friends in the field tell me there's incredible progress going on even as we speak, so I'm holding my breath for that one. And finally, I want to mention a personal favourite: distributed intelligence, or its other name: artificial artificial intelligence. The idea of connecting a huge number of people in a network and allowing them access to the combined minds of everyone else through some form of question answering interface. It's been done a number of times recently, with Yahoo Answers, Askville, Amazon Mechanical Turk, and so on, but in my mind, those are all missing the mark by a LOT... much like the many implementations of distributed hypertext that came before Tim Berners-Lee's HTML, or the many web crawlers before Google. Seriously -- someone needs to build an search interface into 'the hive mind' to blow everyone else out of the water. IMHO - it is only a matter of time.




u盘/ u盘

USB key是软盘的有效替代品,软盘在简单传输方面仍然优于CD或DVD。

Open Croquet http://www.opencroquet.org -一个吱吱声,基于smalltalk的3D环境,允许多个用户从内部交互和编程环境。它有自己的对象复制协议,用于在互联网上高效和可扩展地共享环境。**这很难描述,因为没有任何东西能像它一样……

1)我提出这个建议是因为当我试图向别人解释它是什么时,我发现他们希望我把它与其他东西进行比较……我还没有发现任何类似的东西,尽管有许多来自其他系统的元素(例如Smalltalk, Open GL, etoys,虚拟世界,远程协作,面向对象的复制架构),整体似乎远远超过部分…




