






虚拟化? 像viralbox OSE或VMWare这样的应用程序为我节省了很多时间。

Damas-Milner type inference (often called Hindley-Milner type inference) was published in 1983 and has been the basis of every sophisticated static type system since. It was a genuinely new idea in programming languages (admitted based on ideas published in the 1970s, but not made practical until after 1980). In terms of importance I put it up with Self and the techniques used to implement Self; in terms of influence it has no peer. (The rest of the OO world is still doing variations on Smalltalk or Simula.)




Another reason for this lack of inventions is the fact that most people use Windows:) dont get me wrong, i do hate M$, but look at it this way: you have a perfectly working interface, with nothing new to add to it, maybe just some new colored buttons. Its also closed enough so you wont be able to to anything with it without breaking it. Thats why i prefer open apps, this way you get more "open" people, to whom yo can actually talk, ask then questions, propose new ideeas that actually gets implemented, or at least put on an open todo-list, thus you get some kind of "evolution". You dont really see anything new because you are stuck with the same basic interface "invented" lots of years ago... did anyone actually tried ION window-manager in a production environment? It has a new kind of interface, and actually lets you do things faster, event it it looks quirky

M$, Adobe..you name it,holds lots of patents so you wont be able to base your work on them, or derivatives(you also wont know what kind of undeveloped tehnologies they hold). Look at MP3 and GIF as examples( i belive that they are both free formats now, but they are also kinda dead..) MP3 is the 'king' of audio evend if there are few algorithms out there much better that it..but didnt get enough traction because they weren't pushed on the consumer market. The GIF... come on, 256 colors??? From this point of voew i'm curios how many people from this thread are working on something "open" that will get to be reused in some other projects, and how many on "closed", protected by NDA's projects?


至于编程概念,IoC /依赖注入在1988年,根在1983年。福勒在他的Bliki上对这个概念的历史做了一些注释。


Graphical User Interface. Fast processing. Large memory (I paid $200.00 for 16k in 1980). Small sizes - cell phones, pocket pc's, iPhones, Netbooks. Large storage capacities. (I've gone from carrying a large 90k floppy to an 8 gig usb thumb drive. Multiple processors. (Almost all my computers have more than one now, software struggles to keep them busy). Standard interfaces (like USB) to easily attach hardware peripherals. Multiple Touch displays. Network connectivity - leading to the mid 90's internet explosion. IDE's with Intellisense and incremental compiling.

