



// Linked List function Node(data) { this.data = data; this.next = null; } // Stack implemented using LinkedList function Stack() { this.top = null; } Stack.prototype.push = function(data) { var newNode = new Node(data); newNode.next = this.top; //Special attention this.top = newNode; } Stack.prototype.pop = function() { if (this.top !== null) { var topItem = this.top.data; this.top = this.top.next; return topItem; } return null; } Stack.prototype.print = function() { var curr = this.top; while (curr) { console.log(curr.data); curr = curr.next; } } // var stack = new Stack(); // stack.push(3); // stack.push(5); // stack.push(7); // stack.print(); // Queue implemented using LinkedList function Queue() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; } Queue.prototype.enqueue = function(data) { var newNode = new Node(data); if (this.head === null) { this.head = newNode; this.tail = newNode; } else { this.tail.next = newNode; this.tail = newNode; } } Queue.prototype.dequeue = function() { var newNode; if (this.head !== null) { newNode = this.head.data; this.head = this.head.next; } return newNode; } Queue.prototype.print = function() { var curr = this.head; while (curr) { console.log(curr.data); curr = curr.next; } } var queue = new Queue(); queue.enqueue(3); queue.enqueue(5); queue.enqueue(7); queue.print(); queue.dequeue(); queue.dequeue(); queue.print();





Queues can be implemented in JavaScript using either the push and shift methods or unshift and pop methods of the array object. Although this is a simple way to implement queues, it is very inefficient for large queues — because of the methods operate on arrays, the shift and unshift methods move every element in the array each time they are called. Queue.js is a simple and efficient queue implementation for JavaScript whose dequeue function runs in amortized constant time. As a result, for larger queues, it can be significantly faster than using arrays.

var stack = [];
stack.push(2);       // stack is now [2]
stack.push(5);       // stack is now [2, 5]
var i = stack.pop(); // stack is now [2]
alert(i);            // displays 5

var queue = [];
queue.push(2);         // queue is now [2]
queue.push(5);         // queue is now [2, 5]
var i = queue.shift(); // queue is now [5]
alert(i);              // displays 2



*   Stack implementation in JavaScript

function Stack() {
  this.top = null;
  this.count = 0;

  this.getCount = function() {
    return this.count;

  this.getTop = function() {
    return this.top;

  this.push = function(data) {
    var node = {
      data: data,
      next: null

    node.next = this.top;
    this.top = node;


  this.peek = function() {
    if (this.top === null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      return this.top.data;

  this.pop = function() {
    if (this.top === null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      var out = this.top;
      this.top = this.top.next;
      if (this.count > 0) {

      return out.data;

  this.displayAll = function() {
    if (this.top === null) {
      return null;
    } else {
      var arr = new Array();

      var current = this.top;
      for (var i = 0; i < this.count; i++) {
        arr[i] = current.data;
        current = current.next;

      return arr;


>> var st = new Stack();

>> st.push("BP");

>> st.push("NK");

>> st.getTop();

>> st.getCount();

>> st.displayAll();

>> st.pop();

>> st.displayAll();

>> st.getTop();

>> st.peek();


//Javascript stack linked list data structure (no array)

function node(value, noderef) {
    this.value = value;
    this.next = noderef;
function stack() {
    this.push = function (value) {
        this.next = this.first;
        this.first = new node(value, this.next);
    this.pop = function () {
        var popvalue = this.first.value;
        this.first = this.first.next;
        return popvalue;
    this.hasnext = function () {
        return this.next != undefined;
    this.isempty = function () {
        return this.first == undefined;


//Javascript stack linked list data structure (no array)
function node(value, noderef) {
    this.value = value;
    this.next = undefined;
function queue() {
    this.enqueue = function (value) {
        this.oldlast = this.last;
        this.last = new node(value);
        if (this.isempty())
            this.first = this.last;
           this.oldlast.next = this.last;
    this.dequeue = function () {
        var queuvalue = this.first.value;
        this.first = this.first.next;
        return queuvalue;
    this.hasnext = function () {
        return this.first.next != undefined;
    this.isempty = function () {
        return this.first == undefined;




// Allow push and pop from the same end


// Allow push and pop from different ends