使用TLS/SSL (HTTPS)加密时,所有url都加密了吗?我想知道,因为我想在使用TLS/SSL (HTTPS)时隐藏所有URL数据。
使用TLS/SSL (HTTPS)加密时,所有url都加密了吗?我想知道,因为我想在使用TLS/SSL (HTTPS)时隐藏所有URL数据。
链接到我对重复问题的回答。URL不仅在浏览器历史记录中可用,服务器端日志也可以作为HTTP Referer头发送,如果您使用第三方内容,则会将URL暴露给您控制之外的来源。
A third-party that is monitoring traffic may also be able to determine the page visited by examining your traffic an comparing it with the traffic another user has when visiting the site. For example if there were 2 pages only on a site, one much larger than the other, then comparison of the size of the data transfer would tell which page you visited. There are ways this could be hidden from the third-party but they're not normal server or browser behaviour. See for example this paper from SciRate, https://scirate.com/arxiv/1403.0297.
链接到我对重复问题的回答。URL不仅在浏览器历史记录中可用,服务器端日志也可以作为HTTP Referer头发送,如果您使用第三方内容,则会将URL暴露给您控制之外的来源。
You can not always count on privacy of the full URL either. For instance, as is sometimes the case on enterprise networks, supplied devices like your company PC are configured with an extra "trusted" root certificate so that your browser can quietly trust a proxy (man-in-the-middle) inspection of https traffic. This means that the full URL is exposed for inspection. This is usually saved to a log. Furthermore, your passwords are also exposed and probably logged and this is another reason to use one time passwords or to change your passwords frequently. Finally, the request and response content is also exposed if not otherwise encrypted. One example of the inspection setup is described by Checkpoint here. An old style "internet café" using supplied PC's may also be set up this way.