


iOS Swift 3.0 (UIColor扩展):

func isLight() -> Bool
    if let components = self.cgColor.components, let firstComponentValue = components[0], let secondComponentValue = components[1], let thirdComponentValue = components[2] {
        let firstComponent = (firstComponentValue * 299)
        let secondComponent = (secondComponentValue * 587)
        let thirdComponent = (thirdComponentValue * 114)
        let brightness = (firstComponent + secondComponent + thirdComponent) / 1000

        if brightness < 0.5
            return false
            return true

    print("Unable to grab components and determine brightness")
    return nil





Color ContrastColor(Color color)
    int d = 0;
    // Counting the perceptive luminance - human eye favors green color...      
    double luminance = (0.299 * color.R + 0.587 * color.G + 0.114 * color.B)/255;
    if (luminance > 0.5)
       d = 0; // bright colors - black font
       d = 255; // dark colors - white font
    return  Color.FromArgb(d, d, d);


编辑 改变计算a的公式为“感知亮度”-它真的看起来更好!已经在我的软件中实现了,看起来很棒。

编辑2 @WebSeed提供了这个算法的一个很好的工作示例:http://codepen.io/WebSeed/full/pvgqEq/

基于Gacek的回答,在用WAVE浏览器扩展分析了@WebSeed的例子后,我提出了以下版本,它根据对比度(在W3C的Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG) 2.1中定义)而不是亮度来选择黑色或白色文本。


// As defined in WCAG 2.1
var relativeLuminance = function (R8bit, G8bit, B8bit) {
  var RsRGB = R8bit / 255.0;
  var GsRGB = G8bit / 255.0;
  var BsRGB = B8bit / 255.0;

  var R = (RsRGB <= 0.03928) ? RsRGB / 12.92 : Math.pow((RsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
  var G = (GsRGB <= 0.03928) ? GsRGB / 12.92 : Math.pow((GsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
  var B = (BsRGB <= 0.03928) ? BsRGB / 12.92 : Math.pow((BsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);

  return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B;

var blackContrast = function(r, g, b) {
  var L = relativeLuminance(r, g, b);
  return (L + 0.05) / 0.05;

var whiteContrast = function(r, g, b) {
  var L = relativeLuminance(r, g, b);
  return 1.05 / (L + 0.05);

// If both options satisfy AAA criterion (at least 7:1 contrast), use preference
// else, use higher contrast (white breaks tie)
var chooseFGcolor = function(r, g, b, prefer = 'white') {
  var Cb = blackContrast(r, g, b);
  var Cw = whiteContrast(r, g, b);
  if(Cb >= 7.0 && Cw >= 7.0) return prefer;
  else return (Cb > Cw) ? 'black' : 'white';



+ (UIColor*) getContrastColor:(UIColor*) color {
    CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha;
    [color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
    double a = ( 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue);
    return (a > 0.5) ? [[UIColor alloc]initWithRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:1] : [[UIColor alloc]initWithRed:255 green:255 blue:255 alpha:1];

Swift 4示例:

extension UIColor {

    var isLight: Bool {
        let components = cgColor.components

        let firstComponent = ((components?[0]) ?? 0) * 299
        let secondComponent = ((components?[1]) ?? 0) * 587
        let thirdComponent = ((components?[2]) ?? 0) * 114
        let brightness = (firstComponent + secondComponent + thirdComponent) / 1000

        return !(brightness < 0.6)




# vectorized
luminance = function(col) c(c(.299, .587, .114) %*% col2rgb(col)/255)


luminance(c('black', 'white', '#236FAB', 'darkred', '#01F11F'))
# [1] 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.3730039 0.1629843 0.5698039