



public static int getContrastColor(@ColorInt int color) {
    // Counting the perceptive luminance - human eye favors green color...
    double a = 1 - (0.299 * Color.red(color) + 0.587 * Color.green(color) + 0.114 * Color.blue(color)) / 255;

    int d;
    if (a < 0.5) {
        d = 0; // bright colors - black font
    } else {
        d = 255; // dark colors - white font

    return Color.rgb(d, d, d);


public static int getContrastColor(@ColorInt int color) {
    // Counting the perceptive luminance - human eye favors green color...
    double a = 1 - (0.299 * Color.red(color) + 0.587 * Color.green(color) + 0.114 * Color.blue(color)) / 255;
    return a < 0.5 ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE;


您可以在任何色相背景上有任何色相文本,并确保它是易读的。我一直都这么做。在Javascript中有一个关于可读的彩色文本的公式- STW* 正如它在那个链接上所说的那样,这个公式是逆伽马调整计算的变化,尽管IMHO更易于管理。 该链接右侧的菜单及其相关页面使用随机生成的颜色作为文本和背景,始终清晰可辨。所以,是的,显然这是可以做到的,没有问题。

Javascript [ES2015]

const hexToLuma = (colour) => {
    const hex   = colour.replace(/#/, '');
    const r     = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16);
    const g     = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16);
    const b     = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16);

    return [
        0.299 * r,
        0.587 * g,
        0.114 * b
    ].reduce((a, b) => a + b) / 255;



function GetContrastColor(ABGColor: TColor): TColor;
  ADouble: Double;
  R, G, B: Byte;
  if ABGColor <= 0 then
    Result := clWhite;
    Exit; // *** EXIT RIGHT HERE ***

  if ABGColor = clWhite then
    Result := clBlack;
    Exit; // *** EXIT RIGHT HERE ***

  // Get RGB from Color
  R := GetRValue(ABGColor);
  G := GetGValue(ABGColor);
  B := GetBValue(ABGColor);

  // Counting the perceptive luminance - human eye favors green color...
  ADouble := 1 - (0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B) / 255;

  if (ADouble < 0.5) then
    Result := clBlack  // bright colors - black font
    Result := clWhite;  // dark colors - white font


 * Find the "best" (highest-contrast) of the suggested colors for the prime
 * color. Uses W3C formula for judging readability and visual accessibility:
 * http://www.w3.org/TR/AERT#color-contrast
 * @param {goog.color.Rgb} prime Color represented as a rgb array.
 * @param {Array<goog.color.Rgb>} suggestions Array of colors,
 *     each representing a rgb array.
 * @return {!goog.color.Rgb} Highest-contrast color represented by an array.
goog.color.highContrast = function(prime, suggestions) {
  var suggestionsWithDiff = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < suggestions.length; i++) {
      color: suggestions[i],
      diff: goog.color.yiqBrightnessDiff_(suggestions[i], prime) +
          goog.color.colorDiff_(suggestions[i], prime)
  suggestionsWithDiff.sort(function(a, b) { return b.diff - a.diff; });
  return suggestionsWithDiff[0].color;

 * Calculate brightness of a color according to YIQ formula (brightness is Y).
 * More info on YIQ here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YIQ. Helper method for
 * goog.color.highContrast()
 * @param {goog.color.Rgb} rgb Color represented by a rgb array.
 * @return {number} brightness (Y).
 * @private
goog.color.yiqBrightness_ = function(rgb) {
  return Math.round((rgb[0] * 299 + rgb[1] * 587 + rgb[2] * 114) / 1000);

 * Calculate difference in brightness of two colors. Helper method for
 * goog.color.highContrast()
 * @param {goog.color.Rgb} rgb1 Color represented by a rgb array.
 * @param {goog.color.Rgb} rgb2 Color represented by a rgb array.
 * @return {number} Brightness difference.
 * @private
goog.color.yiqBrightnessDiff_ = function(rgb1, rgb2) {
  return Math.abs(
      goog.color.yiqBrightness_(rgb1) - goog.color.yiqBrightness_(rgb2));

 * Calculate color difference between two colors. Helper method for
 * goog.color.highContrast()
 * @param {goog.color.Rgb} rgb1 Color represented by a rgb array.
 * @param {goog.color.Rgb} rgb2 Color represented by a rgb array.
 * @return {number} Color difference.
 * @private
goog.color.colorDiff_ = function(rgb1, rgb2) {
  return Math.abs(rgb1[0] - rgb2[0]) + Math.abs(rgb1[1] - rgb2[1]) +
      Math.abs(rgb1[2] - rgb2[2]);


+ (UIColor*) getContrastColor:(UIColor*) color {
    CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha;
    [color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha];
    double a = ( 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.114 * blue);
    return (a > 0.5) ? [[UIColor alloc]initWithRed:0 green:0 blue:0 alpha:1] : [[UIColor alloc]initWithRed:255 green:255 blue:255 alpha:1];