所以,在看了这个关于右值引用的精彩讲座后,我认为每个类都将受益于这样一个“移动构造函数”,模板<类T> MyClass(t&&other)编辑,当然还有一个“移动赋值操作符”,模板<类T> MyClass& operator=(t&&other),菲利普在他的回答中指出,如果它有动态分配的成员,或者通常存储指针。就像你应该有一个复制函数,赋值操作符和析构函数,如果前面提到的点适用。 想法吗?




Basically, it's like this: If you don't declare any move operations, you should respect the rule of three. If you declare a move operation, there is no harm in "violating" the rule of three as the generation of compiler-generated operations has gotten very restrictive. Even if you don't declare move operations and violate the rule of three, a C++0x compiler is expected to give you a warning in case one special function was user-declared and other special functions have been auto-generated due to a now deprecated "C++03 compatibility rule".

I think it's safe to say that this rule becomes a little less significant. The real problem in C++03 is that implementing different copy semantics required you to user-declare all related special functions so that none of them is compiler-generated (which would otherwise do the wrong thing). But C++0x changes the rules about special member function generation. If the user declares just one of these functions to change the copy semantics it'll prevent the compiler from auto-generating the remaining special functions. This is good because a missing declaration turns a runtime error into a compilation error now (or at least a warning). As a C++03 compatibility measure some operations are still generated but this generation is deemed deprecated and should at least produce a warning in C++0x mode.

由于编译器生成的特殊函数的限制规则和c++ 03的兼容性,3的规则仍然是3的规则。

下面是一些适用于最新c++ 0x规则的例子:

template<class T>
class unique_ptr
   T* ptr;
   explicit unique_ptr(T* p=0) : ptr(p) {}
   unique_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr&&);


template<class T>
class scoped_ptr
   T* ptr;
   explicit scoped_ptr(T* p=0) : ptr(p) {}

c++ 0x编译器现在应该对编译器生成的可能出错的复制操作发出警告。在这里,规则的三件事应得到尊重。在这种情况下,警告是完全合适的,并给用户处理错误的机会。我们可以通过删除函数来解决这个问题:

template<class T>
class scoped_ptr
   T* ptr;
   explicit scoped_ptr(T* p=0) : ptr(p) {}
   scoped_ptr(scoped_ptr const&) = delete;
   scoped_ptr& operator=(scoped_ptr const&) = delete;

因此,由于c++ 03的兼容性,三原则在这里仍然适用。


Each class should explicitly define exactly one of the following set of special member functions: None Destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator In addition, each class that explicitly defines a destructor may explicitly define a move constructor and/or a move assignment operator. Usually, one of the following sets of special member functions is sensible: None (for many simple classes where the implicitly generated special member functions are correct and fast) Destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator (in this case the class will not be movable) Destructor, move constructor, move assignment operator (in this case the class will not be copyable, useful for resource-managing classes where the underlying resource is not copyable) Destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator, move constructor (because of copy elision, there is no overhead if the copy assignment operator takes its argument by value) Destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator, move constructor, move assignment operator


That move constructor and move assignment operator won't be generated for a class that explicitly declares any of the other special member functions (like destructor or copy-constructor or move-assignment operator). That copy constructor and copy assignment operator won't be generated for a class that explicitly declares a move constructor or move assignment operator. And that a class with an explicitly declared destructor and implicitly defined copy constructor or implicitly defined copy assignment operator is considered deprecated.

特别是以下完全有效的c++ 03多态基类:

class C {
  virtual ~C() { }   // allow subtype polymorphism


class C {
  C(const C&) = default;               // Copy constructor
  C(C&&) = default;                    // Move constructor
  C& operator=(const C&) = default;  // Copy assignment operator
  C& operator=(C&&) = default;       // Move assignment operator
  virtual ~C() { }                     // Destructor


In contrast to the Rule of the Big Three, where failing to adhere to the rule can cause serious damage, not explicitly declaring the move constructor and move assignment operator is generally fine but often suboptimal with respect to efficiency. As mentioned above, move constructor and move assignment operators are only generated if there is no explicitly declared copy constructor, copy assignment operator or destructor. This is not symmetric to the traditional C++03 behavior with respect to auto-generation of copy constructor and copy assignment operator, but is much safer. So the possibility to define move constructors and move assignment operators is very useful and creates new possibilities (purely movable classes), but classes that adhere to the C++03 Rule of the Big Three will still be fine.

For resource-managing classes you can define the copy constructor and copy assignment operator as deleted (which counts as definition) if the underlying resource cannot be copied. Often you still want move constructor and move assignment operator. Copy and move assignment operators will often be implemented using swap, as in C++03. Talking about swap; if we already have a move-constructor and move-assignment operator, specializing std::swap will become unimportant, because the generic std::swap uses the move-constructor and move-assignment operator if available (and that should be fast enough).



拷贝构造函数 赋值运算符 析构函数


虽然在相关的情况下定义一个move构造函数可能是最佳实践,但它不是强制性的。在很多情况下,移动构造函数与类无关(例如std::complex),所有在c++ 03中行为正确的类即使没有定义移动构造函数,也会在c++ 0x中继续正确地行为。




规则3: 如果您实现了其中任何一个的自定义版本,那么您就实现了所有这些。


规则5: 如果你实现了一个自定义的move构造函数或move赋值操作符,你需要定义所有5个。需要移动语义。


四分之一法则: 与第5条规则相同,但使用了复制和交换习惯用语。通过包含swap方法,复制赋值和移动赋值合并为一个赋值操作符。



https://www.linkedin.com/learning/c-plus-plus-advanced-topics/rule-of-five?u=67551194 https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/rule_of_three


