
我想使用免费/开源工具。 我喜欢Python,觉得它是一种长期的语言,而对于Ruby,我不确定,而PHP似乎是一个巨大的麻烦。 我正在为一个想法构建一个原型,并没有过多地考虑未来。开发速度是主要因素,而且我已经了解Python。 我知道迁移到谷歌应用程序引擎将更容易,如果我选择这样做在未来。 我听说Django很“不错”。



目前在Django上构建的“最大”站点是什么?(我主要通过用户流量来衡量规模) Django能每天处理10万名用户,每个用户访问站点几个小时吗? 像Stack Overflow这样的站点可以在Django上运行吗?


"What are the largest sites built on Django today?" There isn't any single place that collects information about traffic on Django built sites, so I'll have to take a stab at it using data from various locations. First, we have a list of Django sites on the front page of the main Django project page and then a list of Django built sites at djangosites.org. Going through the lists and picking some that I know have decent traffic we see: Instagram: What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies. Pinterest: Alexa rank 37 (21.4.2015) and 70 Million users in 2013 Bitbucket: 200TB of Code and 2.500.000 Users Disqus: Serving 400 million people with Python. curse.com: 600k daily visits. tabblo.com: 44k daily visits, see Ned Batchelder's posts Infrastructure for modern web sites. chesspark.com: Alexa rank about 179k. pownce.com (no longer active): alexa rank about 65k. Mike Malone of Pownce, in his EuroDjangoCon presentation on Scaling Django Web Apps says "hundreds of hits per second". This is a very good presentation on how to scale Django, and makes some good points including (current) shortcomings in Django scalability. HP had a site built with Django 1.5: ePrint center. However, as for novemer/2015 the entire website was migrated and this link is just a redirect. This website was a world-wide service attending subscription to Instant Ink and related services HP offered (*). "Can Django deal with 100,000 users daily, each visiting the site for a couple of hours?" Yes, see above. "Could a site like Stack Overflow run on Django?" My gut feeling is yes but, as others answered and Mike Malone mentions in his presentation, database design is critical. Strong proof might also be found at www.cnprog.com if we can find any reliable traffic stats. Anyway, it's not just something that will happen by throwing together a bunch of Django models :)





是的,它可以。它可以是Django with Python或Ruby on Rails。它仍然会缩放。

有几种不同的技术。首先,缓存不是可伸缩性。除了硬件平衡器之外,还可以有多个应用服务器以nginx作为前端平衡。 为了在数据库端扩展,如果你走RDBMS的路,你可以在MySQL / PostgreSQL中使用读从。


当他们还在那里的时候。 通用共享评论管理器 所有与报纸相关的网站:《华盛顿邮报》等。



如果您的站点包含一些静态内容,那么在前面放置一个Varnish服务器将极大地提高您的性能。即使是一个盒子也能轻易产生100 Mbit/s的流量。



好的设计决策对性能的影响可能比其他任何东西都要大。Twitter经常被认为是另一个基于动态解释语言的web框架——Ruby on Rails——体现了性能问题的站点——但Twitter工程师表示,该框架并不像他们早期所做的一些数据库设计选择那样是个大问题。


YouTube的开发者倡导者在PyCon 2012上做了一个关于扩展Python的演讲,这也与扩展Django有关。
