



function equals(a, b) {
const aKeys = Object.keys(a)
const bKeys = Object.keys(b)
if(aKeys.length != bKeys.length) {
    return false
for(let i = 0;i < aKeys.length;i++) {
    if(aKeys[i] != bKeys[i]) {
        return false
for(let i = 0;i < aKeys.length;i++) {
    if(a[aKeys[i]] != b[bKeys[i]]) {
        return false
return true

first we check if the length of the list of keys of these objects is the same, if not we return false to check if two objects are equal they must have the same keys(=names) and the same values of the keys, so we get all the keys of objA, and objB and then we check if they are equal once we find that tow keys are not equal then we return false and then when all the keys are equal then we loop through one of the keys of one of the objects and then we check if they are equal once they are not we return false and after the two loops finished this means they are equal and we return true NOTE: this function works with only objects with no functions


我知道这有点老了,但我想添加一个解决方案,我想出了这个问题。 我有一个对象,我想知道它的数据什么时候改变。类似于Object。我所做的是:

function checkObjects(obj,obj2){
   var values = [];
   var keys = [];
   keys = Object.keys(obj);
   var values2 = [];
   var keys2 = [];
   keys2 = Object.keys(obj2);
   return (values == values2 && keys == keys2)

这里可以复制并创建另一组数组来比较值和键。 这很简单,因为它们现在是数组,如果对象大小不同将返回false。




你控制你比较的对象,你只有基本的值(例如。而不是嵌套的对象、函数等)。 您的浏览器支持Object.keys。


 * Checks the equality of two objects that contain primitive values. (ie. no nested objects, functions, etc.)
 * @param {Object} object1
 * @param {Object} object2
 * @param {Boolean} [order_matters] Affects the return value of unordered objects. (ex. {a:1, b:2} and {b:2, a:1}).
 * @returns {Boolean}
function isEqual( object1, object2, order_matters ) {
    var keys1 = Object.keys(object1),
        keys2 = Object.keys(object2),
        i, key;

    // Test 1: Same number of elements
    if( keys1.length != keys2.length ) {
        return false;

    // If order doesn't matter isEqual({a:2, b:1}, {b:1, a:2}) should return true.
    // keys1 = Object.keys({a:2, b:1}) = ["a","b"];
    // keys2 = Object.keys({b:1, a:2}) = ["b","a"];
    // This is why we are sorting keys1 and keys2.
    if( !order_matters ) {

    // Test 2: Same keys
    for( i = 0; i < keys1.length; i++ ) {
        if( keys1[i] != keys2[i] ) {
            return false;

    // Test 3: Values
    for( i = 0; i < keys1.length; i++ ) {
        key = keys1[i];
        if( object1[key] != object2[key] ) {
            return false;

    return true;

排序对象(字典) 比较JSON字符串 函数areTwoDictsEqual(dictA, dictB) { 函数sortDict(dict) { var keys = Object.keys(dict); keys.sort (); var newDict = {}; For (var i=0;我< keys.length;我+ +){ Var key = keys[i]; Var值= dict[key]; newDict[key] = value; } 返回newDict; } 返回JSON.stringify(sortDict(dictA)) == JSON.stringify(sortDict(dictB)); }

let user1 = { name: "John", address: { line1: "55 Green Park Road", line2: { a:[1,2,3] } }, email:null } let user2 = { name: "John", address: { line1: "55 Green Park Road", line2: { a:[1,2,3] } }, email:null } // Method 1 function isEqual(a, b) { return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b); } // Method 2 function isEqual(a, b) { // checking type of a And b if(typeof a !== 'object' || typeof b !== 'object') { return false; } // Both are NULL if(!a && !b ) { return true; } else if(!a || !b) { return false; } let keysA = Object.keys(a); let keysB = Object.keys(b); if(keysA.length !== keysB.length) { return false; } for(let key in a) { if(!(key in b)) { return false; } if(typeof a[key] === 'object') { if(!isEqual(a[key], b[key])) { return false; } } else { if(a[key] !== b[key]) { return false; } } } return true; } console.log(isEqual(user1,user2));