The books Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices and Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# are the best resources for fully understanding the original goals and motivations behind the Dependency Inversion Principle. The article "The Dependency Inversion Principle" is also a good resource, but due to the fact that it is a condensed version of a draft which eventually made its way into the previously mentioned books, it leaves out some important discussion on the concept of a package and interface ownership which are key to distinguishing this principle from the more general advise to "program to an interface, not an implementation" found within the book Design Patterns (Gamma, et. al).
To provide a summary, the Dependency Inversion Principle is primarily about reversing the conventional direction of dependencies from "higher level" components to "lower level" components such that "lower level" components are dependent upon the interfaces owned by the "higher level" components. (Note: "higher level" component here refers to the component requiring external dependencies/services, not necessarily its conceptual position within a layered architecture.) In doing so, coupling isn't reduced so much as it is shifted from components that are theoretically less valuable to components which are theoretically more valuable.
Using a software component within multiple applications with sub-dependency implementations (e.g. You've developed a DI container and want to provide logging, but don't want to couple your container to a specific logger such that everyone that uses your container has to also use your chosen logging library). Using software components within an evolving context (e.g. You've developed business-logic components which remain the same across multiple versions of an application where the implementation details are evolving).
With the first case of reusing components across multiple applications, such as with an infrastructure library, the goal is to provide a core infrastructure need to your consumers without coupling your consumers to sub-dependencies of your own library since coupling to such dependencies requires your consumers to require the same dependencies as well. This can be problematic when consumers of your library choose to use a different library for the same infrastructure needs (e.g. NLog vs. log4net), or if they choose to use a later version of the required library which isn't backward compatible with the version required by your library.
While following the Dependency Inversion Principle in this second case can offer some benefit, it should be noted that its value as applied to modern languages such as Java and C# is much reduced, perhaps to the point of being irrelevant. As discussed earlier, the DIP involves separating implementation details into separate packages completely. In the case of an evolving application, however, simply utilizing interfaces defined in terms of the business domain will guard against needing to modify higher-level components due to changing needs of implementation detail components, even if the implementation details ultimately reside within the same package. This portion of the principle reflects aspects that were pertinent to the language in view when the principle was codified (i.e. C++) which aren't relevant to newer languages. That said, the importance of the Dependency Inversion Principle primarily lies with the development of reusable software components/libraries.
public interface ICustomer
string GetCustomerNameById(int id);
public class Customer : ICustomer
public Customer(){}
public string GetCustomerNameById(int id)
return "Dummy Customer Name";
public class CustomerFactory
public static ICustomer GetCustomerData()
return new Customer();
public class CustomerBLL
ICustomer _customer;
public CustomerBLL()
_customer = CustomerFactory.GetCustomerData();
public string GetCustomerNameById(int id)
return _customer.GetCustomerNameById(id);
public class Program
static void Main()
CustomerBLL customerBLL = new CustomerBLL();
int customerId = 25;
string customerName = customerBLL.GetCustomerNameById(customerId);
class Service {
Database database;
init() {
database = FrameworkSingleton.getService("database");
class Service {
Database database;
init(database) {
this.database = database;
您不依赖于中心 框架,所以这可以改变如果 想要的。 因为对象是被创建的 以注射方式使用为佳 接口,很容易创建单元 替换依赖项的测试 模拟版本。 解耦代码。
class Student {
private Address address;
public Student() {
this.address = new Address();
class Address{
private String perminentAddress;
private String currentAdrress;
public Address() {
class Student{
private Address address;
public Student(Address address) {
this.address = address;
public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
* BadEncoder: High-level class *contains* low-level I/O functionality.
* Hence, you'll have to fiddle with BadEncoder whenever you want to change
* the I/O mode or details. Not good. A good encoder should be I/O-agnostic --
* problems with I/O shouldn't break the encoder!
public static class BadEncoder
public static void Run()
DIP基本上是说高级组件不应该依赖于低级实现,根据Robert C. Martin(《清洁架构》)的说法,“级别”是指与I/O的距离。但是如何摆脱这种困境呢?简单地让中央编码器只依赖于接口,而不考虑这些接口是如何实现的:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
/* Demo of the Dependency Inversion Principle (= "High-level functionality
* should not depend upon low-level implementations"):
* You can easily implement new I/O methods like
* ConsoleReader, ConsoleWriter without ever touching the high-level
* Encoder class!!!
GoodEncoder.Run(new ConsoleReader(), new ConsoleWriter()); }
public static class GoodEncoder
public static void Run(IReadable input, IWriteable output)
public interface IReadable
string ReadInput();
public interface IWriteable
void WriteOutput(string txt);
public class ConsoleReader : IReadable
public string ReadInput()
return Console.ReadLine();
public class ConsoleWriter : IWriteable
public void WriteOutput(string txt)
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