如何从数组中删除一个特定值? 类似 :


制约:我必须使用核心 JavaScript 。 框架不允许 。


Vanilla JavaScript(ES5.1) - 已建立版本

浏览器支持: Internet Explorer 9 或后( 详细浏览器支持)

 * Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
 * Modifies the array “in place”, i.e. the array passed as an argument
 * is modified as opposed to creating a new array. Also returns the modified
 * array for your convenience.
function removeInPlace(array, item) {
    var foundIndex, fromIndex;

    // Look for the item (the item can have multiple indices)
    fromIndex = array.length - 1;
    foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);

    while (foundIndex !== -1) {
        // Remove the item (in place)
        array.splice(foundIndex, 1);

        // Bookkeeping
        fromIndex = foundIndex - 1;
        foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);

    // Return the modified array
    return array;

Vanilla JavaScript(ES5.1) - 永恒版本

浏览器支持: 与原版的香草 JavaScript 相同

 * Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
 * Returns a new array with all the items of the original array except
 * the specified item.
function remove(array, item) {
    var arrayCopy;

    arrayCopy = array.slice();

    return removeInPlace(arrayCopy, item);

Vanilla ES6 - 永恒版本

浏览器支持: Chrome 46, 边缘 12, Firefox 16, Opera 37, Safari 8 (详细浏览器支持)

 * Removes all occurences of the item from the array.
 * Returns a new array with all the items of the original array except
 * the specified item.
function remove(array, item) {
    // Copy the array
    array = [...array];

    // Look for the item (the item can have multiple indices)
    let fromIndex = array.length - 1;
    let foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex);

    while (foundIndex !== -1) {
        // Remove the item by generating a new array without it
        array = [
            ...array.slice(0, foundIndex),
            ...array.slice(foundIndex + 1),

        // Bookkeeping
        fromIndex = foundIndex - 1;
        foundIndex = array.lastIndexOf(item, fromIndex)

    // Return the new array
    return array;


[2,3,5].filter(i => ![5].includes(i))

使用 jQuery. grep () :

var y = [1, 2, 3, 9, 4] var 删除项目 = 9; y = jQuery.grep(y, 函数(价值) {返回值 = demotephle; }; 控制台. log(y) <Src=" https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js"\\/pict>

用于解决多个浏览器的问题。 如果存在的话, 它会使用在建浏览器的方法。 如果没有这些方法, 则使用自己的自定义方法。 如果像旧版的互联网探索者一样, 它会使用自己的自定义方法 。

从数组中删除元素( 从网站) 的简单示例 :

_.without([1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 1, 4], 0, 1); // => [2, 3, 4]

弹出 - 从阵列变化的结尾处删除 - 从阵列复件的开头处删除 - 从特定的阵列索引过滤器中删除 - 允许您程序化地从阵列中删除元素

您可以用所有存取器示例创建索引 :

<div >

function getIndex($id){ return ( this.removeIndex($id) alert("This element was removed") ) } function removeIndex(){ const index = $id; this.accesor.id.splice(index.id) // You can use splice for slice index on // accessor id and return with message } <div> <fromList> <ul> {...this.array.map( accesors => { <li type="hidden"></li> <li>{...accesors}</li> }) } </ul> </fromList> <form id="form" method="post"> <input id="{this.accesors.id}"> <input type="submit" callbackforApplySend...getIndex({this.accesors.id}) name="sendendform" value="removeIndex" > </form> </div>