



没有标准的解决方案,因为这些语言不知道底层文件系统,所以正如其他人所说,基于目录的文件系统的概念超出了c / c++语言的范围。

on top of that, you want not the current working directory, but the directory the program is running in, which must take into account how the program got to where it is - ie was it spawned as a new process via a fork, etc. To get the directory a program is running in, as the solutions have demonstrated, requires that you get that information from the process control structures of the operating system in question, which is the only authority on this question. Thus, by definition, its an OS specific solution.


下面的操作在macOS 10.15.7上运行得很好

brew install boost


#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
  boost::filesystem::path p{argv[0]};
  p = absolute(p).parent_path();
  std::cout << p << std::endl;
  return 0;


g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -l boost_filesystem main.cpp


没有标准的解决方案,因为这些语言不知道底层文件系统,所以正如其他人所说,基于目录的文件系统的概念超出了c / c++语言的范围。

on top of that, you want not the current working directory, but the directory the program is running in, which must take into account how the program got to where it is - ie was it spawned as a new process via a fork, etc. To get the directory a program is running in, as the solutions have demonstrated, requires that you get that information from the process control structures of the operating system in question, which is the only authority on this question. Thus, by definition, its an OS specific solution.

一个库解决方案(尽管我知道这不是要求的)。 如果你恰好使用Qt: QCoreApplication: applicationDirPath ()


#include <Windows.h>

std::wstring getexepathW()
    wchar_t result[MAX_PATH];
    return std::wstring(result, GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, result, MAX_PATH));

std::wcout << getexepathW() << std::endl;

//  -------- OR --------

std::string getexepathA()
    char result[MAX_PATH];
    return std::string(result, GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, result, MAX_PATH));

std::cout << getexepathA() << std::endl;

对于Win32, GetCurrentDirectory应该做到这一点。