


import numpy
def rand1_5():
    return numpy.random.randint(5)+1

def rand1_7():
    q = 0
    for i in xrange(7):  q+= rand1_5()
    return q%7 + 1




int random1_to_7()
  return (random1_to_5() * 7) / 5;  



最简单的分析方法是将流I和O分别视为5元数和7元数。这是通过主答案的思想来实现的,即取流a1, a2, a3,…- > a1 + a2 + 5 * 5 ^ 2 * a3 + . .流O也是如此。

然后如果我们取长度为m的输入流的一段,选n s.t, 5^m-7^n=c,其中c>0,且尽可能小。然后有一个从长度为m的输入流到1到5^m的整数的统一映射,还有一个从1到7^n的整数到长度为n的输出流的统一映射,当映射的整数超过7^n时,我们可能不得不从输入流中丢失一些情况。

这就给出了L(m)的值约为m (log5/log7)也就是。82米。


问题是如何接近m (log5/log7)的最佳可能值。例如,当这个数字接近一个整数时,我们能否找到一种方法来实现这个精确的整数值输出?


如果我们让T7(X)是由大小为X的均匀输入导出的随机(1-7)整数的输出序列的平均长度,并假设5^m=7^n0+7^n1+7^n2+…+ 7 ^ nr + s, s < 7。

那么T7(5^m)=n0x7^n0/5^m + ((5^m-7^n0)/5^m) T7(5^m-7^n0)因为我们有一个无长度序列,概率为7^n0/5^m,残差长度为5^m-7^n0,概率为(5^m-7^n0)/5^m)。


T7(5^m) = n0x7^n0/5^m + n1x7^n1/5^m + ... + nrx7^nr/5^m  = (n0x7^n0 + n1x7^n1 + ... + nrx7^nr)/5^m


L(m)=T7(5^m)=(n0x7^n0 + n1x7^n1 + ... + nrx7^nr)/(7^n0+7^n1+7^n2+...+7^nr+s)


If 5^m has 7-ary representation `a0+a1*7 + a2*7^2 + a3*7^3+...+ar*7^r
Then L(m) = (a1*7 + 2a2*7^2 + 3a3*7^3+...+rar*7^r)/(a0+a1*7 + a2*7^2 + a3*7^3+...+ar*7^r)


然后机械师》(5 ^ m) = nx (7 ^ n) / (7 ^ n + s) = o (n + 1) = m (Log5 / Log7) + o(1)美国之前。

最坏的情况是我们只能找到k和s.t 5^m = kx7+s。

Then T7(5^m) = 1x(k.7)/(k.7+s) = 1+o(1)


T7(5^m) = m (Log5/Log7)+e(m)




Here's a solution that fits entirely within integers and is within about 4% of optimal (i.e. uses 1.26 random numbers in {0..4} for every one in {0..6}). The code's in Scala, but the math should be reasonably clear in any language: you take advantage of the fact that 7^9 + 7^8 is very close to 5^11. So you pick an 11 digit number in base 5, and then interpret it as a 9 digit number in base 7 if it's in range (giving 9 base 7 numbers), or as an 8 digit number if it's over the 9 digit number, etc.:

abstract class RNG {
  def apply(): Int

class Random5 extends RNG {
  val rng = new scala.util.Random
  var count = 0
  def apply() = { count += 1 ; rng.nextInt(5) }

class FiveSevener(five: RNG) {
  val sevens = new Array[Int](9)
  var nsevens = 0
  val to9 = 40353607;
  val to8 = 5764801;
  val to7 = 823543;
  def loadSevens(value: Int, count: Int) {
    nsevens = 0;
    var remaining = value;
    while (nsevens < count) {
      sevens(nsevens) = remaining % 7
      remaining /= 7
      nsevens += 1
  def loadSevens {
    var fivepow11 = 0;
    var i=0
    while (i<11) { i+=1 ; fivepow11 = five() + fivepow11*5 }
    if (fivepow11 < to9) { loadSevens(fivepow11 , 9) ; return }
    fivepow11 -= to9
    if (fivepow11 < to8) { loadSevens(fivepow11 , 8) ; return }
    fivepow11 -= to8
    if (fivepow11 < 3*to7) loadSevens(fivepow11 % to7 , 7)
    else loadSevens
  def apply() = {
    if (nsevens==0) loadSevens
    nsevens -= 1


scala> val five = new Random5
five: Random5 = Random5@e9c592

scala> val seven = new FiveSevener(five)
seven: FiveSevener = FiveSevener@143c423

scala> val counts = new Array[Int](7)
counts: Array[Int] = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

scala> var i=0 ; while (i < 100000000) { counts( seven() ) += 1 ; i += 1 }
i: Int = 100000000

scala> counts
res0: Array[Int] = Array(14280662, 14293012, 14281286, 14284836, 14287188,
14289332, 14283684)

scala> five.count
res1: Int = 125902876


rand25() =5*(rand5()-1) + rand5()

rand7() { 
   while(true) {
       int r = rand25();
       if (r < 21) return r%3;         


Here is a solution that tries to minimize the number of calls to rand5() while keeping the implementation simple and efficient; in particular, it does not require arbitrary large integers unlike Adam Rosenfield’s second answer. It exploits the fact that 23/19 = 1.21052... is a good rational approximation to log(7)/log(5) = 1.20906..., thus we can generate 19 random elements of {1,...,7} out of 23 random elements of {1,...,5} by rejection sampling with only a small rejection probability. On average, the algorithm below takes about 1.266 calls to rand5() for each call to rand7(). If the distribution of rand5() is uniform, so is rand7().

uint_fast64_t pool;

int capacity = 0;

void new_batch (void)
  uint_fast64_t r;
  int i;

  do {
    r = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 23; i++)
      r = 5 * r + (rand5() - 1);
  } while (r >= 11398895185373143ULL);  /* 7**19, a bit less than 5**23 */

  pool = r;
  capacity = 19;

int rand7 (void)
  int r;

  if (capacity == 0)

  r = pool % 7;
  pool /= 7;

  return r + 1;