我读过各种关于测试中模仿和存根的文章,包括Martin Fowler的《Mocks Aren't Stubs》,但我仍然不理解其中的区别。


Stubs vs. Mocks Stubs provide specific answers to methods calls ex: myStubbedService.getValues() just return a String needed by the code under test used by code under test to isolate it cannot fail test ex: myStubbedService.getValues() just returns the stubbed value often implement abstract methods Mocks "superset" of stubs; can assert that certain methods are called ex: verify that myMockedService.getValues() is called only once used to test behaviour of code under test can fail test ex: verify that myMockedService.getValues() was called once; verification fails, because myMockedService.getValues() was not called by my tested code often mocks interfaces



Stub - Stubbing is a software development technique used to implement methods of classes early in the development life-cycle. They are used commonly as placeholders for implementation of a known interface, where the interface is finalized or known but the implementation is not yet known or finalized. You begin with stubs, which simply means that you only write the definition of a function down and leave the actual code for later. The advantage is that you won't forget methods and you can continue to think about your design while seeing it in code. You can also have your stub return a static response so that the response can be used by other parts of your code immediately. Stub objects provide a valid response, but it's static no matter what input you pass in, you'll always get the same response:

class Foo(object):
    def bar1(self):

    def bar2(self):
        #or ...
        raise NotImplementedError

    def bar3(self):
        #or return dummy data
        return "Dummy Data"



import os
import os.path

def rm(filename):
    if os.path.isfile(filename):


from mymodule import rm
import mock
import unittest

class RmTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_rm(self, mock_os):
        rm("any path")
        # test that rm called os.remove with the right parameters
        mock_os.remove.assert_called_with("any path")

if __name__ == '__main__':


更多关于unittest的信息。模拟,注意python 2。X mock不包含在unittest中,但它是一个可下载的模块,可以通过PIP (PIP install mock)下载。

我还读过Roy Osherove写的《单元测试的艺术》,我认为如果有一本类似的书是用Python和Python示例编写的,那就太棒了。如果有人知道这样的书,请分享。欢呼:)


让我试着用WHY stub和WHY mock来解释它

假设我正在为我的mac twitter客户端的公共时间轴控制器编写测试代码



STUB:到twitter API的网络连接非常慢,这使得我的测试很慢。我知道它将返回时间轴,所以我制作了一个模拟HTTP twitter API的存根,这样我的测试将非常快地运行它,即使我离线也可以运行测试。 MOCK:我还没有写任何我的UI方法,我不确定我需要为我的UI对象写什么方法。我希望通过编写测试代码了解我的控制器如何与我的ui对象协作。




Stub类似于确保一个方法返回正确的值 Mock实际上就像进入方法,在返回正确值之前确保里面的所有内容都是正确的。

他使用的通用术语是测试替身(想想特技替身)。Test Double是一个通用术语,用于为测试目的替换生产对象的任何情况。杰拉德列出了各种各样的替身:

Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they are just used to fill parameter lists. Fake objects actually have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production (an InMemoryTestDatabase is a good example). Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in for the test. Spies are stubs that also record some information based on how they were called. One form of this might be an email service that records how many messages it was sent(also called Partial Mock). Mocks are pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive. They can throw an exception if they receive a call they don't expect and are checked during verification to ensure they got all the calls they were expecting.


public class EmployeeService{
   private EmployeeDao dao;
   public EmployeeService(Dao dao){this.dao = dao;}

   public String getEmployeeName(int id){
     Employee emp = bar.goToDatabaseAndBringTheEmployeeWithId(id);
     return emp != null?emp.getFullName:null;
   //Further state and behavior

public interface EmployeeDao{
  Employee goToDatabaseAndBringTheEmployeeWithId(int id);


public class EmployeeServiceTest{
   EmployeeService service;
   EmployeeDao mockDao = Mockito.mock(EmployeeDao.class);//Line 3

   public void setUp(){
     service = new EmployeeService(mockDao);



public EmployeeDaoStub implements EmployeeDao{
   public Employee goToDatabaseAndBringTheEmployeeWithId(int id){
      //No trip to DB, just returning a dummy Employee object
      return new Employee("John","Woo","123 Lincoln str");


public class EmployeeServiceTest{
   EmployeeService service;
   EmployeeDao daoStub = new EmployeeDaoStub();//Line 3

   public void setUp(){
     service = new EmployeeService(daoStub);

