我读过各种关于测试中模仿和存根的文章,包括Martin Fowler的《Mocks Aren't Stubs》,但我仍然不理解其中的区别。


Stubs vs. Mocks Stubs provide specific answers to methods calls ex: myStubbedService.getValues() just return a String needed by the code under test used by code under test to isolate it cannot fail test ex: myStubbedService.getValues() just returns the stubbed value often implement abstract methods Mocks "superset" of stubs; can assert that certain methods are called ex: verify that myMockedService.getValues() is called only once used to test behaviour of code under test can fail test ex: verify that myMockedService.getValues() was called once; verification fails, because myMockedService.getValues() was not called by my tested code often mocks interfaces


Mock只是测试行为,确保调用了特定的方法。 Stub是特定对象的可测试版本(本质上)。


存根用于您在测试中设置的具有预期返回值的方法。 mock用于void方法,这些方法在调用时的Assert中进行验证。

我喜欢Roy Osherove的解释。

创建的每个类或对象都是Fake。如果您验证它是一个Mock 反对它的呼声。否则就是存根。

A fake is a generic term that can be used to describe either a stub or a mock object (handwritten or otherwise), because they both look like the real object. Whether a fake is a stub or a mock depends on how it’s used in the current test. If it’s used to check an interaction (asserted against), it’s a mock object. Otherwise, it’s a stub. Fakes makes sure test runs smoothly. It means that reader of your future test will understand what will be the behavior of the fake object, without needing to read its source code (without needing to depend on external resource). What does test run smoothly mean? Forexample in below code: public void Analyze(string filename) { if(filename.Length<8) { try { errorService.LogError("long file entered named:" + filename); } catch (Exception e) { mailService.SendEMail("admin@hotmail.com", "ErrorOnWebService", "someerror"); } } } You want to test mailService.SendEMail() method, to do that you need to simulate an Exception in you test method, so you just need to create a Fake Stub errorService class to simulate that result, then your test code will be able to test mailService.SendEMail() method. As you see you need to simulate a result which is from an another External Dependency ErrorService class.


Dummy - just bogus values to satisfy the API. Example: If you're testing a method of a class which requires many mandatory parameters in a constructor which have no effect on your test, then you may create dummy objects for the purpose of creating new instances of a class. Fake - create a test implementation of a class which may have a dependency on some external infrastructure. (It's good practice that your unit test does NOT actually interact with external infrastructure.) Example: Create fake implementation for accessing a database, replace it with in-memory collection. Stub - override methods to return hard-coded values, also referred to as state-based. Example: Your test class depends on a method Calculate() taking 5 minutes to complete. Rather than wait for 5 minutes you can replace its real implementation with stub that returns hard-coded values; taking only a small fraction of the time. Mock - very similar to Stub but interaction-based rather than state-based. This means you don't expect from Mock to return some value, but to assume that specific order of method calls are made. Example: You're testing a user registration class. After calling Save, it should call SendConfirmationEmail.
