


要了解更多信息,我推荐简单但非常容易理解的Skullbox解释(TCP vs. UDP)




您可以在这里找到一篇关于TCP与UDP的非常好的文章 游戏开发的背景。 此外,iperf (jperf增强iperf与GUI)是一个 这是一个很好的工具,可以通过测量来回答你的问题。 我用Python实现了一个基准测试(参见这个SO问题)。在平均10^6次迭代中,UDP发送8字节的差异大约是1-2微秒。



Which protocol performs better (in terms of throughput) - UDP or TCP - really depends on the network characteristics and the network traffic. Robert S. Barnes, for example, points out a scenario where TCP performs better (small-sized writes). Now, consider a scenario in which the network is congested and has both TCP and UDP traffic. Senders in the network that are using TCP, will sense the 'congestion' and cut down on their sending rates. However, UDP doesn't have any congestion avoidance or congestion control mechanisms, and senders using UDP would continue to pump in data at the same rate. Gradually, TCP senders would reduce their sending rates to bare minimum and if UDP senders have enough data to be sent over the network, they would hog up the majority of bandwidth available. So, in such a case, UDP senders will have greater throughput, as they get the bigger pie of the network bandwidth. In fact, this is an active research topic - How to improve TCP throughput in presence of UDP traffic. One way, that I know of, using which TCP applications can improve throughput is by opening multiple TCP connections. That way, even though, each TCP connection's throughput might be limited, the sum total of the throughput of all TCP connections may be greater than the throughput for an application using UDP.




Group delivery semantics: it's possible to do reliable delivery to a group of people much more efficiently than TCP's point-to-point acknowledgement. Out-of-order delivery: in lots of applications, as long as you get all the data, you don't care what order it arrives in; you can reduce app-level latency by accepting an out-of-order block. Unfriendliness: on a LAN party, you may not care if your web browser functions nicely as long as you're blitting updates to the network as fast as you possibly can.


现在,您要考虑的是可靠性,您为实现可靠性所做的许多事情最终可能比TCP已经实现的要慢。 现在您对网络不友好,这可能会在共享环境中引起问题。 最重要的是,防火墙会阻止你。
