ID INT, Name NVARCHAR(132), IntValue1 INT, IntValue2 INT, CharValue1 NVARCHAR(255), CharValue2 NVARCHAR(255), Date1 DATETIME, Date2 DATETIME
大多数SQL/ rbdb系统提供了许多非常有用的特性(事务、复制),即使对于非标准化的数据也是如此。磁盘空间很便宜,有时操作/过滤/搜索获取的数据比编写1NF模式更简单(更容易的代码,更快的开发时间),并处理其中的所有麻烦(复杂的连接,讨厌的子选择等)。
Code, value和code_value
Human readable password fields, egad. Self explanatory. Using LIKE against indexed columns, and I'm almost tempted to just say LIKE in general. Recycling SQL-generated PK values. Surprise nobody mentioned the god-table yet. Nothing says "organic" like 100 columns of bit flags, large strings and integers. Then there's the "I miss .ini files" pattern: storing CSVs, pipe delimited strings or other parse required data in large text fields. And for MS SQL server the use of cursors at all. There's a better way to do any given cursor task.
The Altered View - A view that is altered too often and without notice or reason. The change will either be noticed at the most inappropriate time or worse be wrong and never noticed. Maybe your application will break because someone thought of a better name for that column. As a rule views should extend the usefulness of base tables while maintaining a contract with consumers. Fix problems but don't add features or worse change behavior, for that create a new view. To mitigate do not share views with other projects and, use CTEs when platforms allow. If your shop has a DBA you probably can't change views but all your views will be outdated and or useless in that case. The !Paramed - Can a query have more than one purpose? Probably but the next person who reads it won't know until deep meditation. Even if you don't need them right now chances are you will, even if it's "just" to debug. Adding parameters lowers maintenance time and keep things DRY. If you have a where clause you should have parameters. The case for no CASE - SELECT CASE @problem WHEN 'Need to replace column A with this medium to large collection of strings hanging out in my code.' THEN 'Create a table for lookup and add to your from clause.' WHEN 'Scrubbing values in the result set based on some business rules.' THEN 'Fix the data in the database' WHEN 'Formating dates or numbers.' THEN 'Apply formating in the presentation layer.' WHEN 'Createing a cross tab' THEN 'Good, but in reporting you should probably be using cross tab, matrix or pivot templates' ELSE 'You probably found another case for no CASE but now I have to edit my code instead of enriching the data...' END
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- 设置数据库从单用户模式到多用户
- oracle中的RANK()和DENSE_RANK()函数有什么区别?
- 的类型不能用作索引中的键列
- SQL逻辑运算符优先级:And和Or
- 如何检查一个表是否存在于给定的模式中
- 添加一个复合主键
- 如何在SQL Server Management Studio中查看查询历史
- 可以为公共表表达式创建嵌套WITH子句吗?
- 什么时候我需要在Oracle SQL中使用分号vs斜杠?
- SQL Server的NOW()?
- 在SQL中,count(列)和count(*)之间的区别是什么?
- 在SQL Server中截断(不是四舍五入)小数位
- 仅在Datetime列上按日期分组
- PostgreSQL通配符LIKE用于单词列表中的任何一个