





import bisect

def kLargest(A, k):
    '''returns list of k largest integers in A'''
    ret = []
    for i, a in enumerate(A):
        # For first k elements, simply construct sorted temp list
        # It is treated similarly to a priority queue
        if i < k:
            bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
        # Iterate over rest of array
        # Replace and update return array when more optimal element is found
            if a > ret[0]:
                del ret[0] # pop min element off queue
                bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
    return ret


>>> from so import kLargest
>>> kLargest(range(100000000), 100)
[99999900, 99999901, 99999902, 99999903, 99999904, 99999905, 99999906, 99999907,
 99999908, 99999909, 99999910, 99999911, 99999912, 99999913, 99999914, 99999915,
 99999916, 99999917, 99999918, 99999919, 99999920, 99999921, 99999922, 99999923,
 99999924, 99999925, 99999926, 99999927, 99999928, 99999929, 99999930, 99999931,
 99999932, 99999933, 99999934, 99999935, 99999936, 99999937, 99999938, 99999939,
 99999940, 99999941, 99999942, 99999943, 99999944, 99999945, 99999946, 99999947,
 99999948, 99999949, 99999950, 99999951, 99999952, 99999953, 99999954, 99999955,
 99999956, 99999957, 99999958, 99999959, 99999960, 99999961, 99999962, 99999963,
 99999964, 99999965, 99999966, 99999967, 99999968, 99999969, 99999970, 99999971,
 99999972, 99999973, 99999974, 99999975, 99999976, 99999977, 99999978, 99999979,
 99999980, 99999981, 99999982, 99999983, 99999984, 99999985, 99999986, 99999987,
 99999988, 99999989, 99999990, 99999991, 99999992, 99999993, 99999994, 99999995,
 99999996, 99999997, 99999998, 99999999]







import bisect

def kLargest(A, k):
    '''returns list of k largest integers in A'''
    ret = []
    for i, a in enumerate(A):
        # For first k elements, simply construct sorted temp list
        # It is treated similarly to a priority queue
        if i < k:
            bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
        # Iterate over rest of array
        # Replace and update return array when more optimal element is found
            if a > ret[0]:
                del ret[0] # pop min element off queue
                bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
    return ret


>>> from so import kLargest
>>> kLargest(range(100000000), 100)
[99999900, 99999901, 99999902, 99999903, 99999904, 99999905, 99999906, 99999907,
 99999908, 99999909, 99999910, 99999911, 99999912, 99999913, 99999914, 99999915,
 99999916, 99999917, 99999918, 99999919, 99999920, 99999921, 99999922, 99999923,
 99999924, 99999925, 99999926, 99999927, 99999928, 99999929, 99999930, 99999931,
 99999932, 99999933, 99999934, 99999935, 99999936, 99999937, 99999938, 99999939,
 99999940, 99999941, 99999942, 99999943, 99999944, 99999945, 99999946, 99999947,
 99999948, 99999949, 99999950, 99999951, 99999952, 99999953, 99999954, 99999955,
 99999956, 99999957, 99999958, 99999959, 99999960, 99999961, 99999962, 99999963,
 99999964, 99999965, 99999966, 99999967, 99999968, 99999969, 99999970, 99999971,
 99999972, 99999973, 99999974, 99999975, 99999976, 99999977, 99999978, 99999979,
 99999980, 99999981, 99999982, 99999983, 99999984, 99999985, 99999986, 99999987,
 99999988, 99999989, 99999990, 99999991, 99999992, 99999993, 99999994, 99999995,
 99999996, 99999997, 99999998, 99999999]


这是谷歌或其他行业巨头提出的问题。也许下面的代码就是面试官想要的正确答案。 时间成本和空间成本取决于输入数组中的最大数量。对于32位int数组输入,最大空间成本是4 * 125M字节,时间成本是5 *十亿。

public class TopNumber {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final int input[] = {2389,8922,3382,6982,5231,8934
        //One int(4 bytes) hold 32 = 2^5 value,
        //About 4 * 125M Bytes
        //int sort[] = new int[1 << (32 - 5)];
        //Allocate small array for local test
        int sort[] = new int[1000];
        //Set all bit to 0
        for(int index = 0; index < sort.length; index++){
            sort[index] = 0;
        for(int number : input){
            sort[number >>> 5] |= (1 << (number % 32));
        int topNum = 0;
        for(int index = sort.length - 1; index >= 0; index--){
            if(0 != sort[index]){
                for(int bit = 31; bit >= 0; bit--){
                    if(0 != (sort[index] & (1 << bit))){
                        System.out.println((index << 5) + bit);
                        if(topNum >= 3){
                            break outer;



However! See if whatever list-populating mechanism populated that list in a particular order. Are they in a well-defined pattern where you can know with certainty that the largest magnitude of numbers will be found in a certain region of the list or on a certain interval? There may be a pattern to it. If that is so, for example if they are guaranteed to be in some sort of normal distribution with the characteristic hump in the middle, always have repeating upward trends among defined subsets, have a prolonged spike at some time T in the middle of the data set like perhaps an incidence of insider trading or equipment failure, or maybe just have a "spike" every Nth number as in analysis of forces after a catastrophe, you can reduce the number of records you have to check significantly.


您可以使用快速选择算法在(按顺序)索引[十亿-101]处查找数字 然后遍历这些数字找出比这个数字更大的数。

array={...the billion numbers...} 



该算法时间为:2 X O(N) = O(N)(平均情况性能)

Thomas Jungblut建议的第二个选择是:

使用堆构建最大堆将花费O(N),然后前100个最大的数字将在堆的顶部,所有你需要的是把它们从堆(100 X O(Log(N))。

该算法时间为:O(N) + 100 X O(Log(N)) = O(N)