用堆实现的优先级队列的插入+删除复杂度为O(log K).(其中K = 100,要查找的元素数量。N = 10亿,数组中元素的总数)。
在最坏的情况下,你得到十亿*log2(100)这比十亿*log2(十亿)对于O(N log N)基于比较的排序要好。
一般来说,如果你需要一组N个数字中最大的K个数字,复杂度是O(N log K)而不是O(N log N),当K与N相比非常小时,这可能非常重要。
第i个数字插入队列的概率是一个随机变量大于同一分布中至少i- k个随机变量的概率(前k个数字自动添加到队列中)。我们可以使用顺序统计(见链接)来计算这个概率。
例如,假设这些数字是从{0,1}中均匀随机选择的,第(i-k)个数字(从i个数字中)的期望值为(i-k)/i,并且随机变量大于此值的概率为1-[(i-k)/i] = k/i。
注意,当N与K相比非常大时,这个表达式更接近于N而不是nlog K。这有点直观,就像在这个问题的情况下,即使经过10,000次迭代(与十亿次相比非常小),一个数字被插入队列的机会也非常小。
但是我们不知道数组的值是均匀分布的。它们可能趋向于增加,在这种情况下,大多数或所有数字将成为所见最大的100个数字集合的新候选数。这个算法的最坏情况是O(N log K)
或者如果它们呈递减的趋势,最大的100个数字中的大多数将会非常早,我们的最佳情况运行时间本质上是O(N + K log K)对于K比N小得多的K,它就是O(N)
类似地,Radix Sort可以在第一次传递后只查看顶部的桶。但常数因子仍然可能大于logk,这取决于K。
The simplest solution is to scan the billion numbers large array and hold the 100 largest values found so far in a small array buffer without any sorting and remember the smallest value of this buffer. First I thought this method was proposed by fordprefect but in a comment he said that he assumed the 100 number data structure being implemented as a heap. Whenever a new number is found that is larger then the minimum in the buffer is overwritten by the new value found and the buffer is searched for the current minimum again. If the numbers in billion number array are randomly distributed most of the time the value from the large array is compared to the minimum of the small array and discarded. Only for a very very small fraction of number the value must be inserted into the small array. So the difference of manipulating the data structure holding the small numbers can be neglected. For a small number of elements it is hard to determine if the usage of a priority queue is actually faster than using my naive approach.
I want to estimate the number of inserts in the small 100 element array buffer when the 10^9 element array is scanned. The program scans the first 1000 elements of this large array and has to insert at most 1000 elements in the buffer. The buffer contains 100 element of the 1000 elements scanned, that is 0.1 of the element scanned. So we assume that the probability that a value from the large array is larger than the current minimum of the buffer is about 0.1 Such an element has to be inserted in the buffer . Now the program scans the next 10^4 elements from the large array. Because the minimum of the buffer will increase every time a new element is inserted. We estimated that the ratio of elements larger than our current minimum is about 0.1 and so there are 0.1*10^4=1000 elements to insert. Actually the expected number of elements that are inserted into the buffer will be smaller. After the scan of this 10^4 elements fraction of the numbers in the buffer will be about 0.01 of the elements scanned so far. So when scanning the next 10^5 numbers we assume that not more than 0.01*10^5=1000 will be inserted in the buffer. Continuing this argumentation we have inserted about 7000 values after scanning 1000+10^4+10^5+...+10^9 ~ 10^9 elements of the large array. So when scanning an array with 10^9 elements of random size we expect not more than 10^4 (=7000 rounded up) insertions in the buffer. After each insertion into the buffer the new minimum must be found. If the buffer is a simple array we need 100 comparison to find the new minimum. If the buffer is another data structure (like a heap) we need at least 1 comparison to find the minimum. To compare the elements of the large array we need 10^9 comparisons. So all in all we need about 10^9+100*10^4=1.001 * 10^9 comparisons when using an array as buffer and at least 1.000 * 10^9 comparisons when using another type of data structure (like a heap). So using a heap brings only a gain of 0.1% if performance is determined by the number of comparison. But what is the difference in execution time between inserting an element in a 100 element heap and replacing an element in an 100 element array and finding its new minimum?
在理论层面:在堆中插入需要多少比较。我知道它是O(log(n))但常数因子有多大呢?我 在机器级别:缓存和分支预测对堆插入和数组中线性搜索的执行时间有什么影响? 在实现级别:库或编译器提供的堆数据结构中隐藏了哪些额外成本?
import bisect
def kLargest(A, k):
'''returns list of k largest integers in A'''
ret = []
for i, a in enumerate(A):
# For first k elements, simply construct sorted temp list
# It is treated similarly to a priority queue
if i < k:
bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
# Iterate over rest of array
# Replace and update return array when more optimal element is found
if a > ret[0]:
del ret[0] # pop min element off queue
bisect.insort(ret, a) # properly inserts a into sorted list ret
return ret
>>> from so import kLargest
>>> kLargest(range(100000000), 100)
[99999900, 99999901, 99999902, 99999903, 99999904, 99999905, 99999906, 99999907,
99999908, 99999909, 99999910, 99999911, 99999912, 99999913, 99999914, 99999915,
99999916, 99999917, 99999918, 99999919, 99999920, 99999921, 99999922, 99999923,
99999924, 99999925, 99999926, 99999927, 99999928, 99999929, 99999930, 99999931,
99999932, 99999933, 99999934, 99999935, 99999936, 99999937, 99999938, 99999939,
99999940, 99999941, 99999942, 99999943, 99999944, 99999945, 99999946, 99999947,
99999948, 99999949, 99999950, 99999951, 99999952, 99999953, 99999954, 99999955,
99999956, 99999957, 99999958, 99999959, 99999960, 99999961, 99999962, 99999963,
99999964, 99999965, 99999966, 99999967, 99999968, 99999969, 99999970, 99999971,
99999972, 99999973, 99999974, 99999975, 99999976, 99999977, 99999978, 99999979,
99999980, 99999981, 99999982, 99999983, 99999984, 99999985, 99999986, 99999987,
99999988, 99999989, 99999990, 99999991, 99999992, 99999993, 99999994, 99999995,
99999996, 99999997, 99999998, 99999999]
虽然其他的quickselect解决方案已经被否决,但事实是quickselect将比使用大小为100的队列更快地找到解决方案。在比较方面,Quickselect的预期运行时间为2n + o(n)。一个非常简单的实现是
array = input array of length n
r = Quickselect(array,n-100)
result = array of length 100
for(i = 1 to n)
add array[i] to result
这平均需要3n + o(n)次比较。此外,quickselect将数组中最大的100个项保留在最右边的100个位置,这可以提高效率。所以实际上,运行时间可以提高到2n+o(n)。
事实上,通过使用优化的抽样策略(例如随机抽样平方根(n)个元素,并选择第99百分位数),对于任意小的c(假设K,要选择的元素数量为o(n)),运行时间可以降至(1+c)n + o(n)。
如果我们从更抽象的意义上考虑这个问题,即从大小为N的数组中选择最大的K个元素,其中K=o(N),但K和N都趋于无穷大,那么快速选择版本的运行时间将是o(N),队列版本的运行时间将是o(N log K),因此在这种意义上,快速选择也渐近地更好。
在注释中,提到队列解决方案将在随机输入的预期时间N + K log N内运行。当然,随机输入假设永远不会成立,除非问题明确地说明了这一点。队列解决方案可以以随机顺序遍历数组,但这将产生对随机数生成器的N次调用的额外成本,以及排列整个输入数组或分配一个长度为N的包含随机索引的新数组。
The description is quite general so maybe you can ask him the range or meaning of these numbers to make the problem clear. Doing this may impress an interviewer. If, for example, these numbers stands for people's age then it's a much easier problem. With a reasonable assumption that nobody alive is older than 200, you can use an integer array of size 200 (maybe 201) to count the number of people with the same age in just one iteration. Here the index means the age. After this it's a piece of cake to find 100 largest numbers. By the way this algorithm is called counting sort.