You should favour range() over xrange() only when you need an actual list. For instance, when you want to modify the list returned by range(), or when you wish to slice it. For iteration or even just normal indexing, xrange() will work fine (and usually much more efficiently). There is a point where range() is a bit faster than xrange() for very small lists, but depending on your hardware and various other details, the break-even can be at a result of length 1 or 2; not something to worry about. Prefer xrange().
import timeit
# Try various list sizes.
for list_len in [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000]:
# Time doing a range and an xrange.
rtime = timeit.timeit('a=0;\nfor n in range(%d): a += n'%list_len, number=1000)
xrtime = timeit.timeit('a=0;\nfor n in xrange(%d): a += n'%list_len, number=1000)
# Print the result
print "Loop list of len %d: range=%.4f, xrange=%.4f"%(list_len, rtime, xrtime)
Loop list of len 1: range=0.0003, xrange=0.0003
Loop list of len 10: range=0.0013, xrange=0.0011
Loop list of len 100: range=0.0068, xrange=0.0034
Loop list of len 1000: range=0.0609, xrange=0.0438
Loop list of len 10000: range=0.5527, xrange=0.5266
Loop list of len 100000: range=10.1666, xrange=7.8481
Loop list of len 1000000: range=168.3425, xrange=155.8719
You should favour range() over xrange() only when you need an actual list. For instance, when you want to modify the list returned by range(), or when you wish to slice it. For iteration or even just normal indexing, xrange() will work fine (and usually much more efficiently). There is a point where range() is a bit faster than xrange() for very small lists, but depending on your hardware and various other details, the break-even can be at a result of length 1 or 2; not something to worry about. Prefer xrange().
1) xrange将在新的Python版本中消失。这为您提供了方便的未来兼容性。
2) range将具有与xrange相关的效率。
另一个区别是Python 2实现的xrange()不支持大于C int的数字,所以如果你想使用Python内置的大数字支持来获得一个范围,你必须使用range()。
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jul 13 2012, 22:29:01)
[GCC 4.7.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> range(123456787676676767676676,123456787676676767676679)
[123456787676676767676676L, 123456787676676767676677L, 123456787676676767676678L]
>>> xrange(123456787676676767676676,123456787676676767676679)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
Python 3没有这个问题:
Python 3.2.3 (default, Jul 14 2012, 01:01:48)
[GCC 4.7.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> range(123456787676676767676676,123456787676676767676679)
range(123456787676676767676676, 123456787676676767676679)
但是,我认为您可能希望听到的是首选的选项是xrange。由于Python 3中的range是一个迭代器,代码转换工具2to3将正确地将xrange的所有使用转换为range,并将抛出一个使用range的错误或警告。如果您希望确保将来可以轻松地转换代码,您将只使用xrange,当您确定需要一个列表时使用list(xrange)。我是在今年(2008年)芝加哥PyCon的CPython冲刺中了解到这一点的。
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