
dictionary = {'george' : 16, 'amber' : 19}
search_age = raw_input("Provide age")
for age in dictionary.values():
    if age == search_age:
        name = dictionary[age]
        print name




python 2.6:

reversedict = dict([(value, key) for key, value in mydict.iteritems()])

+ 2.7:

reversedict = {value:key for key, value in mydict.iteritems()}


reversedict = defaultdict(list)
[reversedict[value].append(key) for key, value in mydict.iteritems()]



largedict = dict((x,x) for x in range(100000))

# Should be slow, has to search 90000 entries before it finds it
In [26]: %timeit largedict.keys()[largedict.values().index(90000)]
100 loops, best of 3: 4.81 ms per loop

# Should be fast, has to only search 9 entries to find it. 
In [27]: %timeit largedict.keys()[largedict.values().index(9)]
100 loops, best of 3: 2.94 ms per loop

# How about using iterkeys() instead of keys()?
# These are faster, because you don't have to create the entire keys array.
# You DO have to create the entire values array - more on that later.

In [31]: %timeit islice(largedict.iterkeys(), largedict.values().index(90000))
100 loops, best of 3: 3.38 ms per loop

In [32]: %timeit islice(largedict.iterkeys(), largedict.values().index(9))
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.48 ms per loop

In [24]: %timeit reversedict = dict([(value, key) for key, value in largedict.iteritems()])
10 loops, best of 3: 22.9 ms per loop

In [23]: %%timeit
....: reversedict = defaultdict(list)
....: [reversedict[value].append(key) for key, value in largedict.iteritems()]
10 loops, best of 3: 53.6 ms per loop


In [72]: %%timeit
....: myf = ifilter(lambda x: x[1] == 90000, largedict.iteritems())
....: myf.next()[0]
100 loops, best of 3: 15.1 ms per loop

In [73]: %%timeit
....: myf = ifilter(lambda x: x[1] == 9, largedict.iteritems())
....: myf.next()[0]
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.36 us per loop

因此,对于小偏移量,它比以前的任何版本都要快得多(2.36 *u*S vs.以前的情况下至少1.48 *m*S)。然而,对于接近列表末尾的大偏移量,它会显着变慢(15.1ms vs.相同的1.48mS)。以我之见,在低端产品上节省下来的少量成本,在高端产品上的成本是不值的。



dictionary = {'george': 16, 'amber': 19}
search_age = input("Provide age")
for name, age in dictionary.items():  # for name, age in dictionary.iteritems():  (for Python 2.x)
    if age == search_age:

以下是我对这个问题的看法。:) 我刚刚开始学习Python,所以我称之为:


#Code without comments.

list1 = {'george':16,'amber':19, 'Garry':19}
search_age = raw_input("Provide age: ")
search_age = int(search_age)

listByAge = {}

for name, age in list1.items():
    if age == search_age:
        age = str(age)
        results = name + " " +age
        print results

        age2 = int(age)
        listByAge[name] = listByAge.get(name,0)+age2

print listByAge


#Code with comments.
#I've added another name with the same age to the list.
list1 = {'george':16,'amber':19, 'Garry':19}
#Original code.
search_age = raw_input("Provide age: ")
#Because raw_input gives a string, we need to convert it to int,
#so we can search the dictionary list with it.
search_age = int(search_age)

#Here we define another empty dictionary, to store the results in a more 
#permanent way.
listByAge = {}

#We use double variable iteration, so we get both the name and age 
#on each run of the loop.
for name, age in list1.items():
    #Here we check if the User Defined age = the age parameter 
    #for this run of the loop.
    if age == search_age:
        #Here we convert Age back to string, because we will concatenate it 
        #with the person's name. 
        age = str(age)
        #Here we concatenate.
        results = name + " " +age
        #If you want just the names and ages displayed you can delete
        #the code after "print results". If you want them stored, don't...
        print results

        #Here we create a second variable that uses the value of
        #the age for the current person in the list.
        #For example if "Anna" is "10", age2 = 10,
        #integer value which we can use in addition.
        age2 = int(age)
        #Here we use the method that checks or creates values in dictionaries.
        #We create a new entry for each name that matches the User Defined Age
        #with default value of 0, and then we add the value from age2.
        listByAge[name] = listByAge.get(name,0)+age2

#Here we print the new dictionary with the users with User Defined Age.
print listByAge


Running: *\test.py (Thu Jun 06 05:10:02 2013)

Provide age: 19

amber 19
Garry 19

{'amber': 19, 'Garry': 19}

Execution Successful!

Cat Plus Plus提到,字典并不是这样使用的。原因如下:


d = { k1 : v1, k2 : v2, k3 : v1}



如果你想要名字和年龄,你应该使用.items(),它会给你key (key, value)元组:

for name, age in mydict.items():
    if age == search_age:
        print name



{16: 'george', 19: 'amber'}





[name for name, age in mydict.items() if age == search_age]


next((name for name, age in mydict.items() if age == search_age), None)


最后,如果字典很长并且你使用的是Python 2,你应该考虑使用.iteritems()而不是像Cat Plus Plus在他的回答中所做的那样使用.items(),因为它不需要复制列表。

这是一个真正的“可逆字典”,基于Adam Acosta的解决方案,但强制val-to-key调用是唯一的,容易从值返回键:

from collections import UserDict

class ReversibleDict(UserDict):
    def __init__(self, enforce_unique=True, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.val_to_keys = {}
        self.check_val = self.check_unique if enforce_unique else lambda x: x

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        super().__setitem__(key, value)
        self.val_to_keys[value] = key

    def __call__(self, value):
        return self.val_to_keys[value]

    def check_unique(self, value):
        assert value not in self.val_to_keys, f"Non unique value '{value}'"
        return value

如果你想强制字典值的唯一性,确保set enforce_unique=True。从值中获取键只需做rev_dict(value),从键中调用值只需像往常一样做dict['key'],这里是一个用法示例:

rev_dict = ReversibleDict(enforce_unique=True)
rev_dict["a"] = 1
rev_dict["b"] = 2
rev_dict["c"] = 3
print("full dictinoary is: ", rev_dict)
print("value for key 'b' is: ", rev_dict["b"])
print("key for value '2' is: ", rev_dict(2))
print("tring to set another key with the same value results in error: ")
rev_dict["d"] = 1