int main() {
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)malloc(4*sizeof(unsigned char));
strcpy((char*)p,"abcdabcd"); // **deliberately storing 8bytes**
cout << p;
free(p); // Obvious Crash, but I need how it works and why crash.
cout << p;
return 0;
How to get new memory
How to store it - ( list or other structure, multiple lists for memory chunks of different size, and so on )
What to do if the user requests more memory than currently available ( request more memory from OS, join some of the existing blocks, how to join them exactly, ... )
What to do when the user frees memory
Debug allocators may give you bigger chunk that you requested and fill it some byte pattern, when you free the memory the allocator can check if wrote outside of the block ( which is probably happening in your case)
Under windows for example a process can ask for a page or more of RAM. The OS then assigns those pages to the process. This is not, however, memory allocated to your application. The CRT memory allocator will mark the memory as a contiguous "available" block. The CRT memory allocator will then run through the list of free blocks and find the smallest possible block that it can use. It will then take as much of that block as it needs and add it to an "allocated" list. Attached to the head of the actual memory allocation will be a header. This header will contain various bit of information (it could, for example, contain the next and previous allocated blocks to form a linked list. It will most probably contain the size of the allocation).
这不是一个简单的问题。操作系统分配器部分完全不受您的控制。我建议您阅读Doug Lea的Malloc (DLMalloc)之类的东西,以了解一个相当快的分配器是如何工作的。
The call to free may or may not crash. The memory "after" the 4 bytes of your allocation might be used for something else by your C or C++ implementation. If it is used for something else, then scribbling all over it will cause that "something else" to go wrong, but if it isn't used for anything else, then you could happen to get away with it. "Getting away with it" might sound good, but is actually bad, since it means your code will appear to run OK, but on a future run you might not get away with it.
理论上,malloc为这个应用程序从操作系统获取内存。然而,由于您可能只需要4个字节,而操作系统需要在页面上工作(通常是4k), malloc所做的要比这多一点。它取一个页面,并把它自己的信息放在那里,这样它就可以跟踪你从该页中分配和释放了什么。
How to get new memory
How to store it - ( list or other structure, multiple lists for memory chunks of different size, and so on )
What to do if the user requests more memory than currently available ( request more memory from OS, join some of the existing blocks, how to join them exactly, ... )
What to do when the user frees memory
Debug allocators may give you bigger chunk that you requested and fill it some byte pattern, when you free the memory the allocator can check if wrote outside of the block ( which is probably happening in your case)