
int main() {
    unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)malloc(4*sizeof(unsigned char));
    strcpy((char*)p,"abcdabcd"); // **deliberately storing 8bytes**
    cout << p;
    free(p); // Obvious Crash, but I need how it works and why crash.
    cout << p;
    return 0;




Under windows for example a process can ask for a page or more of RAM. The OS then assigns those pages to the process. This is not, however, memory allocated to your application. The CRT memory allocator will mark the memory as a contiguous "available" block. The CRT memory allocator will then run through the list of free blocks and find the smallest possible block that it can use. It will then take as much of that block as it needs and add it to an "allocated" list. Attached to the head of the actual memory allocation will be a header. This header will contain various bit of information (it could, for example, contain the next and previous allocated blocks to form a linked list. It will most probably contain the size of the allocation).


这不是一个简单的问题。操作系统分配器部分完全不受您的控制。我建议您阅读Doug Lea的Malloc (DLMalloc)之类的东西,以了解一个相当快的分配器是如何工作的。




Under windows for example a process can ask for a page or more of RAM. The OS then assigns those pages to the process. This is not, however, memory allocated to your application. The CRT memory allocator will mark the memory as a contiguous "available" block. The CRT memory allocator will then run through the list of free blocks and find the smallest possible block that it can use. It will then take as much of that block as it needs and add it to an "allocated" list. Attached to the head of the actual memory allocation will be a header. This header will contain various bit of information (it could, for example, contain the next and previous allocated blocks to form a linked list. It will most probably contain the size of the allocation).


这不是一个简单的问题。操作系统分配器部分完全不受您的控制。我建议您阅读Doug Lea的Malloc (DLMalloc)之类的东西,以了解一个相当快的分配器是如何工作的。


How malloc() and free() works depends on the runtime library used. Generally, malloc() allocates a heap (a block of memory) from the operating system. Each request to malloc() then allocates a small chunk of this memory be returning a pointer to the caller. The memory allocation routines will have to store some extra information about the block of memory allocated to be able to keep track of used and free memory on the heap. This information is often stored in a few bytes just before the pointer returned by malloc() and it can be a linked list of memory blocks.





In many malloc/free implementations, free does normally not return the memory to the operating system (or at least only in rare cases). The reason is that you will get gaps in your heap and thus it can happen, that you just finish off your 2 or 4 GB of virtual memory with gaps. This should be avoided, since as soon as the virtual memory is finished, you will be in really big trouble. The other reason is, that the OS can only handle memory chunks that are of a specific size and alignment. To be specific: Normally the OS can only handle blocks that the virtual memory manager can handle (most often multiples of 512 bytes e.g. 4KB).







This is a rather graceful behaviour. I have also seen situations where a runaway pointer somewhere has overwritten data in the memory-free-list and the system did not immediately crash but some subroutines later. Even in a system of medium complexity such problems can be really, really hard to debug! In the one case I was involved, it took us (a larger group of developers) several days to find the reason of the crash -- since it was in a totally different location than the one indicated by the memory dump. It is like a time-bomb. You know, your next "free" or "malloc" will crash, but you don't know why!

这些是一些最糟糕的C/ c++问题,也是指针问题如此严重的原因之一。



通过sbrk() (Unix调用)从操作系统获取一块内存。 在该内存块周围创建一个页眉和页脚,并提供一些信息,如大小、权限以及下一个和上一个块的位置。 当传入对malloc的调用时,引用一个指向适当大小的块的列表。 然后返回这个块,页眉和页脚也相应地更新。