

    MyClass* myClass = new MyClass();
    myClass->MyField = "Hello world!";


    MyClass myClass;
    myClass.MyField = "Hello world!";


困难在于方法1很难与std c++类一起使用。






    Foobar *foobar = new Foobar();
    delete foobar; // TODO: Move this to the right place.





Of course, behind the scenes, these smart pointers are still performing dynamic allocation and deallocation, so code using them would still have the associated runtime overhead. Other answers here have covered these issues, and how to make design decisions on when to use smart pointers versus just creating objects on the stack or incorporating them as direct members of an object, well enough that I won't repeat them. But my executive summary would be: don't use smart pointers or dynamic allocation until something forces you to.





所有没有使用new分配的对象的行为都很像c#中的值类型(人们经常说这些对象分配在堆栈上,这可能是最常见/最明显的情况,但并不总是正确的)。更准确地说,不使用new分配的对象具有自动存储持续时间 用new分配的所有东西都在堆上分配,并返回指向它的指针,就像c#中的引用类型一样。

Anything allocated on the stack has to have a constant size, determined at compile-time (the compiler has to set the stack pointer correctly, or if the object is a member of another class, it has to adjust the size of that other class). That's why arrays in C# are reference types. They have to be, because with reference types, we can decide at runtime how much memory to ask for. And the same applies here. Only arrays with constant size (a size that can be determined at compile-time) can be allocated with automatic storage duration (on the stack). Dynamically sized arrays have to be allocated on the heap, by calling new.



自动存储持续时间就像它听起来一样,变量的持续时间是自动处理的。相比之下,在堆上分配的任何内容都必须由您手动删除。 这里有一个例子:

void foo() {
  bar b;
  bar* b2 = new bar();




When the function returns, the following will happen: First, b2 goes out of scope (order of destruction is always opposite of order of construction). But b2 is just a pointer, so nothing happens, the memory it occupies is simply freed. And importantly, the memory it points to (the bar instance on the heap) is NOT touched. Only the pointer is freed, because only the pointer had automatic duration. Second, b goes out of scope, so since it has automatic duration, its destructor is called, and the memory is freed.


From this example, we can see that anything with automatic duration is guaranteed to have its destructor called when it goes out of scope. That's useful. But anything allocated on the heap lasts as long as we need it to, and can be dynamically sized, as in the case of arrays. That is also useful. We can use that to manage our memory allocations. What if the Foo class allocated some memory on the heap in its constructor, and deleted that memory in its destructor. Then we could get the best of both worlds, safe memory allocations that are guaranteed to be freed again, but without the limitations of forcing everything to be on the stack.

这就是大多数c++代码的工作原理。 例如,看看标准库的std::vector。它通常在堆栈上分配,但可以动态地调整大小和大小。它通过在必要时在堆上内部分配内存来实现这一点。类的用户永远不会看到这一点,所以不会有泄漏内存的机会,也不会忘记清理分配的内存。





Of course, behind the scenes, these smart pointers are still performing dynamic allocation and deallocation, so code using them would still have the associated runtime overhead. Other answers here have covered these issues, and how to make design decisions on when to use smart pointers versus just creating objects on the stack or incorporating them as direct members of an object, well enough that I won't repeat them. But my executive summary would be: don't use smart pointers or dynamic allocation until something forces you to.



If the stack variable has a large memory footprint, then you run the risk of overflowing the stack. By default, the stack size of each thread is 1 MB on Windows. It is unlikely that you'll create a stack variable that is 1 MB in size, but you have to keep in mind that stack utilization is cumulative. If your function calls a function which calls another function which calls another function which..., the stack variables in all of these functions take up space on the same stack. Recursive functions can run into this problem quickly, depending on how deep the recursion is. If this is a problem, you can increase the size of the stack (not recommended) or allocate the variable on the heap using the new operator (recommended).
