

using DecisionFn = bool(*)();

class Decide
    Decide(DecisionFn dec) : _dec{dec} {}
    DecisionFn _dec;

int main()
    int x = 5;
    Decide greaterThanThree{ [x](){ return x > 3; } };
    return 0;


In function 'int main()':
17:31: error: the value of 'x' is not usable in a constant expression
16:9:  note: 'int x' is not const
17:53: error: no matching function for call to 'Decide::Decide(<brace-enclosed initializer list>)'
17:53: note: candidates are:
9:5:   note: Decide::Decide(DecisionFn)
9:5:   note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'main()::<lambda()>' to 'DecisionFn {aka bool (*)()}'
6:7:   note: constexpr Decide::Decide(const Decide&)
6:7:   note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'main()::<lambda()>' to 'const Decide&'
6:7:   note: constexpr Decide::Decide(Decide&&)
6:7:   note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'main()::<lambda()>' to 'Decide&&'



正如其他人提到的,你可以用Lambda函数代替函数指针。我使用这个方法在我的c++接口到F77 ODE求解器RKSUITE。

//C interface to Fortran subroutine UT
extern "C"  void UT(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,

// C++ wrapper which calls extern "C" void UT routine
static  void   rk_ut(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,

//  Call of rk_ut with lambda passed instead of function pointer to derivative
//  routine
mathlib::RungeKuttaSolver::rk_ut([](double* T,double* Y,double* YP)->void{YP[0]=Y[1]; YP[1]= -Y[0];}, TWANT,T,Y,YP,YMAX,WORK,UFLAG);


这是另一种解决方案。c++ 14(可以转换为c++ 11)支持返回值、不可复制和可变lambda。如果不需要可变的lambdas,可以通过删除匹配非const版本的专门化并嵌入impl_impl来更短。


template <class L, class R, class... Args> static auto impl_impl(L l) {
  static_assert(!std::is_same<L, std::function<R(Args...)>>::value,
                "Only lambdas are supported, it is unsafe to use "
                "std::function or other non-lambda callables");

    static L lambda_s = std::move(l);
    return +[](Args... args) -> R { return lambda_s(args...); };

template <class L>
struct to_f_impl : public to_f_impl<decltype(&L::operator())> {};
template <class ClassType, class R, class... Args>
struct to_f_impl<R (ClassType::*)(Args...) const> {
  template <class L> static auto impl(L l) {
    return impl_impl<L, R, Args...>(std::move(l));
template <class ClassType, class R, class... Args>
struct to_f_impl<R (ClassType::*)(Args...)> {
  template <class L> static auto impl(L l) {
    return impl_impl<L, R, Args...>(std::move(l));

template <class L> auto to_f(L l) { return to_f_impl<L>::impl(std::move(l)); }





template <typename Functor>
class Decide
    Decide(Functor dec) : _dec{dec} {}
    Functor _dec;


auto decide_fc = [](int x){ return x > 3; };
Decide<decltype(decide_fc)> greaterThanThree{decide_fc};


int result = _dec(5); // or whatever value


一个类似的答案,但我这样做是为了让你不必指定返回指针的类型(注意,通用版本需要c++ 20):

#include <iostream>

template<typename Function>
struct function_traits;

template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<Ret(Args...)> {
    typedef Ret(*ptr)(Args...);

template <typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<Ret(*const)(Args...)> : function_traits<Ret(Args...)> {};

template <typename Cls, typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct function_traits<Ret(Cls::*)(Args...) const> : function_traits<Ret(Args...)> {};

using voidfun = void(*)();

template <typename F>
voidfun lambda_to_void_function(F lambda) {
    static auto lambda_copy = lambda;

    return []() {

// requires C++20
template <typename F>
auto lambda_to_pointer(F lambda) -> typename function_traits<decltype(&F::operator())>::ptr {
    static auto lambda_copy = lambda;
    return []<typename... Args>(Args... args) {
        return lambda_copy(args...);

int main() {
    int num;

    void(*foo)() = lambda_to_void_function([&num]() {
        num = 1234;
    std::cout << num << std::endl; // 1234

    int(*bar)(int) = lambda_to_pointer([&](int a) -> int {
        num = a;
        return a;
    std::cout << bar(4321) << std::endl; // 4321
    std::cout << num << std::endl; // 4321

正如其他人提到的,你可以用Lambda函数代替函数指针。我使用这个方法在我的c++接口到F77 ODE求解器RKSUITE。

//C interface to Fortran subroutine UT
extern "C"  void UT(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,

// C++ wrapper which calls extern "C" void UT routine
static  void   rk_ut(void(*)(double*,double*,double*),double*,double*,double*,

//  Call of rk_ut with lambda passed instead of function pointer to derivative
//  routine
mathlib::RungeKuttaSolver::rk_ut([](double* T,double* Y,double* YP)->void{YP[0]=Y[1]; YP[1]= -Y[0];}, TWANT,T,Y,YP,YMAX,WORK,UFLAG);

Shafik Yaghmour的答案正确地解释了为什么lambda不能作为函数指针传递,如果它有一个捕获。我想介绍两个简单的解决方法。

Use std::function instead of raw function pointers. This is a very clean solution. Note however that it includes some additional overhead for the type erasure (probably a virtual function call). #include <functional> #include <utility> struct Decide { using DecisionFn = std::function<bool()>; Decide(DecisionFn dec) : dec_ {std::move(dec)} {} DecisionFn dec_; }; int main() { int x = 5; Decide greaterThanThree { [x](){ return x > 3; } }; } Use a lambda expression that doesn't capture anything. Since your predicate is really just a boolean constant, the following would quickly work around the current issue. See this answer for a good explanation why and how this is working. // Your 'Decide' class as in your post. int main() { int x = 5; Decide greaterThanThree { (x > 3) ? [](){ return true; } : [](){ return false; } }; }