If your team is already familiar with version and source control softwares like cvs or svn, then, for a simple and small project (such as you claim it is), I would recommend you stick to SVN. I am really comfortable with svn, but for the current e-commerce project I am doing on django, I decided to work on git (I am using git in svn-mode, that is, with a centralised repo that I push to and pull from in order to collaborate with at least one other developer). The other developer is comfortable with SVN, and while others' experiences may differ, both of us are having a really bad time embracing git for this small project. (We are both hardcore Linux users, if it matters at all.)
同时,你可以选择TortoiseGit, GitExtensions(如果你在github上托管你的“中央”git库,他们自己的客户端- github for Windows)。
If your team is already familiar with version and source control softwares like cvs or svn, then, for a simple and small project (such as you claim it is), I would recommend you stick to SVN. I am really comfortable with svn, but for the current e-commerce project I am doing on django, I decided to work on git (I am using git in svn-mode, that is, with a centralised repo that I push to and pull from in order to collaborate with at least one other developer). The other developer is comfortable with SVN, and while others' experiences may differ, both of us are having a really bad time embracing git for this small project. (We are both hardcore Linux users, if it matters at all.)
重点是,Git是分布式VCS, Subversion是集中式VCS。分布式vcs比较难理解,但是有很多优点。如果不需要这些优点,Subversion可能是更好的选择。
另一个问题是工具支持。您计划使用的工具更好地支持哪种VCS ?
Git目前只能通过Cygwin或MSYS在Windows上运行。 Subversion从一开始就支持Windows。作为解决方案 对于Windows可能为你工作,可能会有问题,作为最 Git的开发人员在Linux上工作,没有可移植性 心灵从一开始。目前我更喜欢Subversion 在Windows下开发。几年后,这可能就无关紧要了。
现在世界发生了一点变化。Git现在在windows上有一个很好的实现。虽然我没有在windows上进行全面测试(因为我不再使用这个系统),但我很有信心,所有主要的VCS (SVN、Git、Mercurial、Bazaar)现在都有适当的windows实现。SVN的这一优势已经不复存在。其他要点(集中式vs.分布式以及工具支持的检查)仍然有效。
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