有趣的是: 我在Subversion Repos中托管项目,但是通过Git Clone命令访问它们。
虽然谷歌代码原生说话 Subversion,可以轻松使用Git 在开发过程中。搜索“git” Svn建议这种做法是正确的 广泛传播,我们也鼓励你 用它来做实验。
我可以分配到几个 机器,承诺和从 对他们来说 我有一个中央备份/公共svn存储库供其他人检查 他们可以自由地使用Git
同时,你可以选择TortoiseGit, GitExtensions(如果你在github上托管你的“中央”git库,他们自己的客户端- github for Windows)。
Large file support. In addition to code, I use SVN to manage my home directory. SVN is the only VCS (distributed or not) that doesn't choke on my TrueCrypt files (please correct me if there's another VCS that handles 500MB+ files effectively). This is because diff comparisons are streamed (this is a very essential point). Rsync is unacceptable because it's not 2-way. Partial repository (subdir) checkout/checkin. Mercurial and bzr don't support this, and git's support is limited. This is bad in a team environment, but invaluable if I want to check something out on another computer from my home dir.
这是我在2009年9月删除Git vs. SVN的问题后,对一些重复问题的回答的副本。
一个是基于分支和标记的廉价拷贝的中央VCS 另一个(Git)是基于修订图的分布式VCS。 参见VCS的核心概念。
第一部分产生了一些错误的评论,假装这两个程序(SVN和Git)的基本目的是相同的,但它们的实现却截然不同。 为了澄清SVN和Git之间的根本区别,让我重新表述一下:
SVN is the third implementation of a revision control: RCS, then CVS and finally SVN manage directories of versioned data. SVN offers VCS features (labeling and merging), but its tag is just a directory copy (like a branch, except you are not "supposed" to touch anything in a tag directory), and its merge is still complicated, currently based on meta-data added to remember what has already been merged. Git is a file content management (a tool made to merge files), evolved into a true Version Control System, based on a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) of commits, where branches are part of the history of datas (and not a data itself), and where tags are a true meta-data.
if you have many complex merges, doing them with SVN will be longer and more error prone. if you have to create many branches, you will need to manage them and merge them, again much more easily with Git than with SVN, especially if a high number of files are involved (the speed then becomes important) if you have partial merges for a work in progress, you will take advantage of the Git staging area (index) to commit only what you need, stash the rest, and move on on another branch. if you need offline development... well with Git you are always "online", with your own local repository, whatever the workflow you want to follow with other repositories.
冯克:你混淆了执行上的根本差异(这种差异是非常根本的,我们显然都同意这一点)和目的上的差异。 它们都是用于相同目的的工具:这就是为什么许多以前使用SVN的团队能够相当成功地抛弃SVN,转而使用Git的原因。 如果他们不解决同一个问题,这种可替代性就不会存在。
“可代换性”……有趣的术语(用于计算机编程)。 当然,Git并不是SVN的子类型。
One is an extended revision tool, the other a true version control system. One is suited small to medium monolithic project with simple merge workflow and (not too much) parallel versions. SVN is enough for that purpose, and you may not need all the Git features. The other allows for medium to large projects based on multiple components (one repo per component), with large number of files to merges between multiple branches in a complex merge workflow, parallel versions in branches, retrofit merges, and so on. You could do it with SVN, but you are much better off with Git. SVN simply can not manage any project of any size with any merge workflow. Git can.
同样,它们的本质是不同的(这会导致不同的实现,但这不是重点)。 一个将修订控制视为目录和文件,另一个仅看到文件的内容(以至于空目录甚至不会在Git中注册!)
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