我知道JPA 2是一个规范,Hibernate是ORM的工具。另外,我知道Hibernate比JPA 2有更多的特性。但从实际的角度来看,两者到底有什么区别呢?

我有使用iBatis的经验,现在我正在尝试学习Hibernate或JPA2。我拿起Pro JPA2书,它一直提到“JPA提供商”。例如:

如果你认为一个特性应该标准化,你应该说出来 并向您的JPA提供者请求它


仅使用JPA2,我可以通过简单地注释POJO从DB中获取数据 JPA2应该与“JPA提供者”一起使用吗?例如TopLink或Hibernate?如果是这样,那么与单独使用JPA2或单独使用Hibernate相比,使用JPA2 + Hibernate有什么好处? 你能推荐一本好的实用的JPA2书吗?“Pro JPA2”看起来更像是JPA2的圣经和参考书(直到本书的后半部分才进入查询)。有没有关于JPA2的问题/解决方法的书?


JPA is Java Persistence API. Which Specifies only the specifications for APIs. Means that the set of rules and guidelines for creating the APIs. If says another context, It is set of standards which provides the wrapper for creating those APIs , can be use for accessing entity object from database. JPA is provided by oracle.When we are going to do database access , we definitely needs its implementation. Means JPA specifies only guidelines for implementing APIs. Hibernate is a JPA provider/Vendor who responsible for implementing that APIs. Like Hibernate TopLink and Open JPA is some of examples of JPA API providers. So we uses JPA specified standard APIs through hibernate.



通常会有第三方开发包来执行官方JDK不包含的功能或填补空白。由于各种原因,该函数可能通过JCP (Java社区进程)成为Java JDK的一部分。



Meanwhile, the JCP with a lot of input from Hibernate and other ORM tool vendors was developing JSR 220 (Java Specification Request) which resulted in JPA 1.0 (2006) and eventually JSR 317 which is JPA 2.0 (2009). These are specifications of a generic Java Persistence API. The API is provided in the JDK as a set of interfaces so that your classes can depend on the javax.persistence and not worry about the particular vendor that is doing the work of persisting your objects. This is only the API and not the implementation. Hibernate now becomes one of the many vendors that implement the JPA 2.0 specification. You can code toward JPA and pick whatever compliant ORM vendor suits your needs.




必须有接口实现才能使用接口。但是你可以通过接口使用类,即通过JPA API使用Hibernate,或者你可以直接使用实现,即直接使用Hibernate,而不是通过纯JPA API。

关于JPA的好书是Vlad Mihalcea的《高性能Java持久性》。


你的选择是这样的: Hibernate, toplink等等…


JPA is Java Persistence API. Which Specifies only the specifications for APIs. Means that the set of rules and guidelines for creating the APIs. If says another context, It is set of standards which provides the wrapper for creating those APIs , can be use for accessing entity object from database. JPA is provided by oracle.When we are going to do database access , we definitely needs its implementation. Means JPA specifies only guidelines for implementing APIs. Hibernate is a JPA provider/Vendor who responsible for implementing that APIs. Like Hibernate TopLink and Open JPA is some of examples of JPA API providers. So we uses JPA specified standard APIs through hibernate.

JPA是一个标准化orm - api的规范。Hibernate是JPA实现的供应商。因此,如果您将JPA与hibernate一起使用,您可以使用标准的JPA API, hibernate将在引子之下,提供更多的非标准函数。 参见http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/entitymanager/reference/en/html_single/和http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/annotations/reference/en/html_single/