就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。


是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?



Railscasts shmailcasts… 1. 想想你想要开发的应用类型。 2. 花20分钟整理一些用户流程 3.带着你的项目去阅读“使用Rails进行敏捷Web开发”的前几章 4. 在windows或mac电脑上安装Netbeans和rails。两者都是一样的。 5. 开发你的应用 6. 在开发过程中,请查阅大量在线参考资料。






我同意srboisvert的观点。不要在Windows上操作。您可以将Ubuntu (Linux版本)添加到Windows并进行双启动。这需要一些工作,但这比违背常理,试图让所有事情都在寡妇身上工作要容易得多。

Ubuntu, Heroku和Git工作得很出色。要知道学习曲线一开始是陡峭的。从Guru.com或Elance上雇佣一些人来帮助你。


最后,我最喜欢的书是《Agile Web Development for Rails》。谷歌搜索并不能很好地工作,因为大多数信息来自旧版本的Rails,已经被弃用或不能工作。


* Agile development with Rails (book)
* Railscasts - very useful, always learn something new.
* And of course the RoR API

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Ruby Bruno R. Preiss | Published in 2004 Learn to Program Chris Pine | Pragmatic Bookshelf Published in 2006, 176 pages Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book Jeremy McAnally | Published in 2006, 147 pages Programming Ruby: A Pragmatic Programmer's Guide David Thomas, Andrew Hunt | Addison-Wesley Published in 2000, 608 pages Rails in a Nutshell C. Fauser, J. MacAulay, E. Ocampo-Gooding, J. Guenin | O'Reilly Media Published in 2009, 352 pages Ruby Best Practices Gregory T. Brown | O'Reilly Media Published in 2009, 328 pages Ruby Essentials | Techotopia Published in 2007 Ruby on Rails Security Heiko Webers | OWASP Published in 2009, 48 pages Ruby User's Guide Mark Slagell | Published in 2005 The Book Of Ruby Huw Collingbourne | Published in 2009, 425 pages The Little Book of Ruby Huw Collingbourne | Dark Neon Ltd. Published in 2008, 87 pages why's (poignant) guide to Ruby why the lucky stiff | Published in 2008


Learn to Program by Chris Pine - You can read this in an afternoon to get a feel for the Ruby language. The Well Grounded Rubyist by David Black - Like the title says it will give you an excellent grounding in the language. Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen - This book is sublime, it reads like a novel. Ruby Best Practices by Gregory Brown - By this point you should be ready for the advanced level of this book. Rails for Zombies - Fun tutorial you can complete in an afternoon. Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl - Fantastic (and free) tutorial and I have heard his accompanying screencasts are amazing. Agile Web Development with Rails by Sam Ruby - By the time you are finished this you are now a completely capable Rails person!

除了书本之外,最重要的是获得对你所做事情的反馈。要做到这一点,我建议花时间在irc.freenode.net #ruby和#rubyonrails。在stackoverflow上发布你正在做的事情或遇到的麻烦也是非常有用的,因为人们提供的评论、解释和不同的思考方式是非常宝贵的。

你也一定要看看Ruby Rogues播客,他们提供了宝贵的信息,评论员都是Ruby社区里非常受人尊敬的人。为了让你的观看和阅读乐趣(按此顺序),请前往瑞恩·贝茨的《Railscasts》和艾菲恩·贝德福德的《Asciicasts》。

