就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。


是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?



Railscasts shmailcasts… 1. 想想你想要开发的应用类型。 2. 花20分钟整理一些用户流程 3.带着你的项目去阅读“使用Rails进行敏捷Web开发”的前几章 4. 在windows或mac电脑上安装Netbeans和rails。两者都是一样的。 5. 开发你的应用 6. 在开发过程中,请查阅大量在线参考资料。


我目前正在学习RoR,这是我到目前为止所做的: 1. 阅读并遵循SitePoint的“简单Rails 2.2” 2. 阅读并跟随Oreilly的“Rails, Up and Running”第二版。




在这份指南之后,我将推荐其他人推荐的书籍之一,或者跟随学习Rails的系列视频,这是我如何学会足够多的Ruby on Rails的。一旦你完成了学习Rails系列。你想用Rails做的事情将开始与一般的教程有所不同,这就是Railscasts成为一个很棒的工具的地方。Railscasts在某些方面没有涉及到Rails可以做的事情。



Why's poignant guide to ruby: excellent introduction to the Ruby language by the infamous _why. Agile web development with rails book: great book with some good in-depth follow alongs Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl (railstutotrial.org): this has been my favorite resource. Hartl's style of walking you through demo apps and explaining everything just made things click for me. Rails for Zombies - ran through this twice, great for reinforcing the basics. Railscasts - I started following this along at first, but they were not helpful until now that I am just really starting to grasp Rails. I would leave these for the end after you have got your feet wet. Think Vitamin's rails tutorials were also pretty good. I followed along these screen casts at first, to feel out the language and then did them again towards the end. The "Learning Rails" podcast, although outdated (Rails 2) was also a good starting resource. I listened to this while driving/working out.




Switch to Mac! The tools that are available to you and the development environment on Mac allows you to be far more productive than on Windows. railcasts.com has a wealth of informative screencasts from beginner to expert. You can always find new and more efficient ways of doing things from Ryan's posts. Scaling Rails screencasts coupled with NewRelic has provided powerful insight into the performance of our application and allows us to develop effectively while keeping our eyes open for future scalability issues.

《敏捷开发与Rails》一书是最好的教学工具。它有一个很好的类似于生活的应用程序,它通过章节向你介绍不同的概念。我使用了两次示例,之后我有了足够的知识来做自己的事情,并依赖于rails API文档(http://api.rubyonrails.org/)。