就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。
是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?
就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。
是否有一种IDE可以与Visual Studio的健壮性相匹配?有什么程序可以给我们一个很好的开销吗?有什么好书吗?
Rails Guides - A nice way of learning Rails itself, edited by the community, moderated by the core contributors. The site has a lot to offer on most of the important main topics around Rails that it can get you up and running very quickly. It covers bot the most recent stable and edge versions of the framework. If you understand the main ideology of Rails than I definitely recommend checking out (and subscribing to) Ryan Bates' Railscasts. Let me just quote from the site itself, I think it's pretty self explanatory: Every week Ryan Bates will host a new Railscasts episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics target the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well. There are also a lot of podcasts around Ruby/Rails, the two that I keep listening to are Ruby5 and the Ruby Show. For more specific questions like API calls etc, I'd recommend APIDock's Rails and Ruby sections where you can get more information on specific methods. If you are getting more familiar with the framework, it's worth taking a look at Rails Best Practices. There's a bunch of short articles on certain issues that most people make in the beginning of their learning curve with Rails. This site is meant to point pot these issues and help beginners finding their way towards writing better and more well thought out code. There's also a gem that you could use which scans your application and points out these issues and offers solutions/workarounds. Pretty neat!
我读过的关于Rails的好书是Cloves Carneiro Jr和Rida Al Barazi写的《Beginning Rails 3》。还有Noel Rappin的《Rails测试处方》,关于用测试驱动的方法进行开发。
我最喜欢的是Ryan Bates的Railscasts,它让我从业余爱好者变成了行家。他通常在每周一左右发布一个关于Rails精华的视频,或者最近的Sass、SCSS、Coffeescript以及与Rails 3.1相关的技术。
我同意srboisvert的观点。不要在Windows上操作。您可以将Ubuntu (Linux版本)添加到Windows并进行双启动。这需要一些工作,但这比违背常理,试图让所有事情都在寡妇身上工作要容易得多。
Ubuntu, Heroku和Git工作得很出色。要知道学习曲线一开始是陡峭的。从Guru.com或Elance上雇佣一些人来帮助你。
最后,我最喜欢的书是《Agile Web Development for Rails》。谷歌搜索并不能很好地工作,因为大多数信息来自旧版本的Rails,已经被弃用或不能工作。
* Agile development with Rails (book)
* Railscasts - very useful, always learn something new.
* And of course the RoR API
这也是一本好书 http://guides.rubyonrails.org/